Sacrifice Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 118459 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 592(@200wpm)___ 474(@250wpm)___ 395(@300wpm)

“Knock, knock.” The door pushes open and Will pops his head around the corner. I haven’t seen him since he took my car for tires, and that seems like a year ago. He smiles broadly and enters the room, a bag in his right hand. “How are ya, ladies?”

Ever watches him carefully. She doesn’t really know Will that much, even though he was around when Gage was alive. I, on the other hand, had the pleasure of growing up with him and the Gentry boys. Will was always their sidekick, the gray to Gage’s white and Crew’s black.

Will Gentry is a goofball but a genuinely good guy. I don’t know much about him anymore. I know that’s partly because I’ve pushed everyone away since Gage died.

I’ve pushed everyone away.

It was a conscious decision yet, looking at things from this perspective, maybe I was wrong to do that. I recall Will bringing by a pizza one night shortly after Gage’s funeral. I thanked him and told him that I would be fine. To go on about his life and let us be. He came around a couple of times after that, but then stopped unless Crew sent him over to do something.

Crew was the only one that didn’t stop no matter how ugly I acted. The fog that has sat so heavy on a part of my life lifts. Shutting everyone out was wrong. Segregating as much as I could from those I loved before, being too afraid of being hurt again, was wrong. Letting them come around would’ve given them the opportunity to hurt me, to hurt Ever, but it also would’ve given them the opportunity to help us. Not in a selfish way, with money or things, but just as friends. We had known each other forever and I’d denied them the right to be my friend and to honor Gage. I feel embarrassed. After all the things I’ve said to them, done to them, the ways I’ve made Crew and Will feel over the past couple of years despite knowing them most of my life, here they are. Showing up at the hospital. Taking care of us.

I feel ridiculous.

I look up and see Will’s face blanche for a split second as he takes in Everleigh lying on the bed. “How are you, Ever?”

She shrugs. “Okay, I guess. I want to go home.”

“I bet you do,” he says. “But at least you don’t have to hear that grumpy uncle of yours.”

“I miss Uncle Crew,” she says sadly.

“Well,” Will says teasingly, “he sent you something today.”

“He did?” She tries to sit up but the wires restrict her movement.

“He did. He said to tell you he wants to be here with you, but he has to work today. But he will come as soon as he can.”

“Tell him I miss him. And tell him I love him.”

Will’s face softens and a small grin touches his lips. “I will.” He fishes through a bag and pulls out a box of Laffy Taffy. “He said you really like this.”

“She’s never had that,” I say.

Everleigh giggles and exchanges a look with Will. He hands her the box and she sets it by her side. “Uncle Crew always gives me these,” she tells me.

This is news to me.

Will rustles through the bag again and pulls out a pair of red glittery house slippers. “He said you should close your eyes and pretend you’re at the park. Click them four times and he said he’ll meet you there. He’ll be waiting by the swings.”

Four times . . .

Tears dot my eyes at the randomness, but maybe not quite randomness, of the number. I’m not a little girl needing rescued from my parents, but I do need a knight all the same.

Will’s smiling at me. He reaches across the end of the bed and hands me an envelope and a box of coconut macaroons. “These are for you.”

“He didn’t have to send me anything,” I say, my cheeks flushing. I’m slightly embarrassed, but so touched, by Crew’s gesture. It adds to the feeling of guilt I have over the way I’ve treated him. “How did he even remember I liked these cookies?”

“I don’t think he’s forgotten anything about you.” He grins. He puts both hands on the end of the bed and peers at Ever. “So, Miss Everleigh. How ya feeling?”


“I bet. You’ll be home before you know it.”

“Do you know where I live now?” she asks.

“I heard you are keeping your uncle company.”

“We are! We stay in his extra room. He comes home from work and Mommy has dinner made. And you know what? I don’t have to always wear a sweatshirt in there. Our apartment was always cold but Uncle Crew’s is warm. I like it there.”

I squeeze the envelope in my hand and try not to cry. I forget sometimes how aware of things she really is. I wonder how much she understands about what is going on with her. And me. And Crew.


