Rusty Nail Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saint’s MC #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 75248 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 376(@200wpm)___ 301(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

“You’re going to die,” Wolf snapped, taking a step forward. “Are you fucking crazy?”

The angle the cameras were at, and where the men were positioned, kept me from seeing what he pulled out of his shirt and had in his hand.

The men, though, had absolutely no trouble seeing what Fry wanted them to see.

And when they started backing up, I knew whatever Fry was holding was serious.

Deadly serious.

And then Wolf’s shoulders moved, giving me my first good view of what was in his hand.

“Oh, fuck.”

I pulled my phone back up, dialed 9-1-1, and then placed it to my ear.

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” the man asked.

Quickly I spouted off where we were, but I couldn’t give them the exact address because I didn’t know. I vowed right then and there that when I survived this, and I would fucking survive this, I was going to memorize Wolf’s number and fucking address.

“A man is in our house with a grenade,” I whispered, even though the men in the room beyond me had no chance of hearing what I had to say. “He pulled the pin, and there are seven men in the room beside the man with the grenade. Two are Texas Rangers, one is the sheriff. He’s going to kill all of them if he drops that grenade.”

Then, to my horror, Fry threw the grenade at the men.

In reaction to the thing flying at their heads—whether it be live or fake—they all scattered.

All the men moved at once as a unit.

They weren’t fast enough, though.

Not nearly fast enough.

Chapter 23

You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend. It’ll happen on its own…just give it time.

-Wolf’s secret thoughts


“You can’t go!” Hannah cried. “You’ve got a gunshot wound to your head!”

I pushed off the gurney where I’d been placed when I passed out, and stood up on my own two feet.

“What’s going on?” Peek asked.

“Fry’s at my place. With Raven and Nathan.”

The entire room went wired at the mention of that.

“Where’s Mig?” Peek asked.

I shook my head.

“I’m afraid to ask,” I admitted.

Core appeared and gestured to me, and I took the moment of confusion between everyone to slip out past Hannah, who was arguing with Griffin and Peek.

Peek followed me with Griffin following him.

Core and Casten were somewhere behind them, and together as a unit, we exited the diner and made our way to Core’s boat which was brought around by one of the police officers.

With my heart in my throat, we made our way as fast as Core’s boat would take us to where we’d left our vehicles.

My heart was pounding a million miles an hour and not just because of the blood loss.

My cell phone rang, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw who was calling.


I woke up, heart pounding as I relived my worst nightmare. Again.

“Raven!” I cried. “Nathan!”

“Shhh,” Peek said, his Irish brogue causing me to turn my head to the side to see him.

He looked banged up as hell, and there was something wrong with his right arm.

My eyes slid down the sling to the neon green cast that was encasing his arm.

“What the fuck?” I breathed, voice raw.

It felt like I’d smoked a pack of cigarettes, and all I could smell was smoke.

My head was pounding, and I was fairly sure I couldn’t feel my feet.

Was it normal to feel like you were floating?

Peek reached forward and pressed a red button beside my bed, and sweet soothing relief started to flow through me.

“They’re okay,” Peek said softly. “Everyone is okay.”

My eyes closed.

“Okay,” I said. “Fucking great.”

My eyes closed of their own volition



I swallowed as I looked in on Nancy, smiling as she talked softly to her grandson about why her eye was black.

“That horse just jumped up and caught me good, right in the noggin,” she said to him.

I backed out of the room, thankful that she was okay, and waved at her granddaughter as I left.

Her granddaughter waved back, and I closed the door firmly before rounding the corner and heading to the next room.

I was making my rounds.

Six of the seven members of The Uncertain Saints MC were in the hospital, and five of them had been admitted.

Peek and Mig being the only two who weren’t occupying a hospital bed, five rooms in a row.

Then there were Nancy and Xavier, although they weren’t Uncertain Saints, who were also occupying the same floor.

It was like a fuckin’ reunion for the sickly.

“Everything okay?” I asked Annie, who was standing outside Xavier’s room.

“Yes,” she breathed. “How about yours?”

I nodded my head. “Wolf’s still in and out. Nancy is awake and talking. Apparently, she never saw a thing that happened. She woke up on the floor with her granddaughter standing over her.”

Annie breathed out roughly. “Xavier told us that he got an email from his father, except it wasn’t his father, it was Agent Fry sending him a picture of his father who was dead.”


