Russian Daddy – Yes Daddy Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27475 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 137(@200wpm)___ 110(@250wpm)___ 92(@300wpm)

If Torin is as successful as he seems, why won’t he discuss his work with the same enthusiasm? Another thought crosses my mind. I try to push it away but I can’t. What did the strange man at Marta’s mean about him coming home to his family? He asked me if I had a boyfriend, but I never asked him if he was involved with anyone. He could have a wife and kids in the city, and I wouldn’t have a clue.

Yes, I need answers to these questions, and I need them soon. I’ve already fallen for him. Now, I need to know what it is that I’m falling for.

I arrive at Marta’s and find Torin in the kitchen wearing his mother’s apron. His hands are covered in flour, and he smiles when he sees me. He rushes to me and kisses me. “I’d hug you but…” He holds up his messy hands.

“What are you cooking?” I ask, surveying the array of mixing bowls and pans on the kitchen counter.

“I’m making my favorite Russian dish. It’s called Pelmeni.”

“And what is Pelmeni?” I’m intrigued by his culinary skills.

“Stuffed dumplings. These are stuffed with beef. It’s best to dip them in sour cream.”

“And that’s dinner?”

“No, not this. This is just an appetizer. Mama is making beef stroganoff.”

“I love your mother’s beef stroganoff,” I confess. “She brings it to the Christmas potluck.”

“She told me.” He winks, and I know he asked her to make it for me.

Marta enters the kitchen from another room and greets me, “Tess, you know where everything is. Do you mind setting the table? We’re almost ready.” She inspects Torin’s progress on the appetizer and wags her finger at him. “Go help Tess. I’ll finish this up.”

Torin shrugs and joins me in the dining room. He brushes my arm as he places the silverware next to the plate I’ve set on the table.

“I miss the taste of you already, baby girl,” he whispers in my ear and a chill runs down my neck. “Don’t worry. I told you I wasn’t finished, and I meant it.”

I summon up all of the courage I have. “I’m pretty sure I finished.”

He laughs at that. “Very good, little girl. And, yes, I believe you did.”

We sit down to a wonderful meal and excellent conversation. I’m always comfortable with Marta, but something about having Torin beside me really puts me at ease. The only time I get anxious is when he squeezes my thigh under the table. I don’t think I’m ready to tell my only friend in the world what’s going on between me and her son just yet.

I’m not sure how she’ll take it, and I don’t yet know what his intentions are. It would kill me if this was just a fling for him, and I know she’d get angry at him for breaking my heart. The problem is, even if it is just a fling, I know I won’t be able to avoid that heartbreak because he’s all I can think about.

Torin excuses himself several times to get up and check out the windows. Marta sees me watching and says, “I don’t think he wants us to know, but he’s concerned about that man.”

“Well, it’s better to be safe, right? You can’t be too careful these days.”

“Still, we both have fancy new security systems now. He doesn’t have to check out the window every ten minutes.”

“He loves you. He wants to make sure that you’re safe.”

“He’s always been protective over the people he loves. I suppose that’s why he installed one for you too.”

I feel my cheeks blush as I wait to see if she has anything else to add.

“It’s alright, Tess. In the time that I’ve known you, I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned going on a date or having a boyfriend. If my son has caught your attention, he must be as wonderful as I think he is. I’m going to turn in early so you two can have some time together.”

There it is, I guess. In Marta’s own way, she’s told me that she knows what’s going on and given me her seal of approval. It seems like I was worried for nothing, but with me, what else is new?

Marta goes to bed, and Torin and I sit down on the sofa together. He pulls me close and kisses me. “I’ve been waiting all night to do that.”

“So have I.” I lay my head on his chest and run a finger along his hard muscles. “Hey, you know what we should do? Let’s go into town and take a walk down Main Street. We can get some cocoa at the coffee shop and just take in all the holiday lights and decorations.”

“Now? You want to do that now?”

“Well, yeah. I could use the exercise after that amazing meal.”


