Russian Daddy – Yes Daddy Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27475 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 137(@200wpm)___ 110(@250wpm)___ 92(@300wpm)

They set out looking for me, and I wait until they disappear from sight then make my way to the door. Dario and Tess are alone inside now. It’s time for me to make my presence known. I open the door slowly but that doesn’t prevent it from creaking on its hinges.

“I told you to go and find him!” Dario shouts. “Don’t come back without him.”

I hug the wall and step quietly to the left of where he’s standing over Tess. I need to come at him from behind so he doesn’t have time to react. I can’t have him waving a gun over her head. I have to disarm him before he can do anything desperate.

“Your boyfriend must not be too fond of you. All he had to do to buy your freedom was to give up his, and he didn’t do it. He ran away like a bitch. He’s probably on his way to cry to the boss and beg for his help, but he won’t get it. I’m not the only one who’s sick of his shit.”

“He’s coming to get me,” Tess tells him. “And you’re going to be sorry when he does.”

“I don’t know why you’re blaming me. He’s the one who brought this to your little town, not me. I wouldn’t even know you existed if he didn’t lead me right to you. That’s what he does. He ruins everything.”

“No, he’s going to save me and probably kill you.”

Dario grabs her chair and begins shaking it. “He killed my brother right here. Right under this chair. If he doesn’t turn himself over to me, I’m going to kill you right here too.”

I can’t allow him to torment her a second longer. I’m not as close as I wanted to be, but I don’t care. I leap out of the shadows and rush toward him. He raises his weapon and fires. I lunge to the right and take the bullet in the forearm, but I keep coming.

He fires again and misses. He’s getting frantic now. I’m almost close enough to pounce on him. He tries to fire a third round, but I tackle him and drive him to the floor. I slam his shoulder into the concrete and yank the weapon from his hand. He kicks and punches at me, but it’s no use. I’ve lost myself. I don’t know how many times I’ve hit him, but my hands are covered in his blood and simply sliding off his battered face.

“Torin, he’s unconscious.” Tess’s voice brings me back to reality.

I look down at the lifeless man beneath me and consider my next move. As long as he’s alive, he’s a threat to my girl. I can’t have that, but shooting an unconscious man is beneath me. I get off him and untie Tess who throws her arms around me and kisses me.

“I knew you would come. I just knew it.”

“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, baby girl. I promise. I should have made sure he couldn’t get his hands on you. Did he hurt you?”

“No. They just tied me up. Nothing else. His people will come back. What do we do?”

“If I leave now, he’s just gonna treat his wounds and come right back at us again. I can’t let that happen.”

“What do we do then?”

“See that office over there? Go inside and close the door. Stay quiet.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m gonna wait for his men to come back so we can end this.”

Tess locks herself in the office, and I tie Dario to the chair that once held her. His two henchmen return and see me standing over him with my gun resting against his temple.

“Come in, gentlemen. Drop your weapons and kick them over here.”

They do as I command.

“We’re gonna give this asshole a minute to wake up. Then, we’re all gonna have a little talk,” I tell them as the warm blood that has soaked the sleeve of my jacket drips onto my hand.

Dario groans and tries to lift his head. He winces from the pain and blinks, trying to adjust his vision. I lean in close so he can see me smiling down at him.

“You’re still alive. Do you want to stay that way?”

“You’re not gonna kill me. If you were, I’d already be dead.” He snickers so I shoot him in his left foot.

The other two men fumble about like rats in a maze. I can see that they’ve never been helpless before. They want to fight but they don’t want to be the reason that I put a bullet through Dario’s head.

Dario’s shoulders heave, and he grits his teeth, trying not to sob visibly over the bullet in his foot.

“Now, here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna call the boss and put him on speaker phone. When I do, you’re gonna declare this fucking vendetta of yours over. You will swear that any business you had with me and my people is over. Then, your goons here can take you to get your wounds treated. Understand that there is no second option. If you don’t do it, I’ll kill you right now. If you do it and then come after me later, the boss will have you killed for breaking your oath. Are you ready for me to make this call?”


