Rush Read online Deborah Bladon

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 85583 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

My head is spinning as I take it all in. “You’re going to develop Vary Tales?”

His eyes lock on mine. “I’d like you to consider joining the development team as a narrative designer for that project and others in our educational division.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means a full-time job at Cabbott.” He glances at the tablet before he levels his gaze back on me. “I’ll explain more if you’re interested.”

I’m interested. How could I not be, but... “I don’t know anything about coding or software development or the other terms Drake is always talking about.”

“You don’t need to be skilled in any of that.” He squeezes my hands. “Essentially, you envision the concept of the game or program and our software developers will help you bring it to life. It’s what we’ve done with Letter Leap. Your vision is now a reality.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. I became a teacher because I want to help kids learn. It’s what I love to do.”

His hands move to cup my cheeks. “You will be helping millions of kids learn through these apps, Emma. You can make a difference in so many lives.”

Biting my lower lip, I suck in a deep breath. “Will I make as much as I do teaching?”

He cracks a wide smile. “The salary for a narrative designer is substantial, but you should know in terms of royalties on these games, you’re looking well into seven figures, if not higher the first year of release.”

My knees go weak for the second time today.

Case is there to catch me again. He circles his arms around me. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head. “No, I am… seven figures… that’s in the millions, right?”

His lips brush my forehead. “Yes.”

I hold tight to him because the earth just shifted under my feet.

Holy hell.

My entire life has changed in an instant.

Chapter 53


I sit Emma back down in the chair because all the color has drained from her beautiful face.

A dozen thoughts crowd my mind, but all I can focus on is the fact that I can tell her that the job is based in San Francisco.

I could build a life with her.

We’d take Cabbott to the next level hand-in-hand.

“Are you mad at Drake?” Her question breaks through my fantasy.

“Disappointed,” I answer truthfully.

I was seething a few minutes ago, but I’ve placed the weight of the world on my best friend’s shoulders. I dropped my business into his lap seven years ago and expected him to take the reins until I found my footing again.

I gave him the impossible task of sorting through details of the life I left behind here in New York. No one should expect another to take care of some of the things I pushed at him.

But he did it. He never complained or questioned me.

He cared enough to give me a clear path to heal after the worst experience of my life.

How can I rail on him for this?

“I don’t think he meant to steal anything from me,” Emma says quietly. “Drake isn’t like that.”

Drake is as devoted to Cabbott as I am. Breaking into the educational app space is a big step for us. He looked to his sister for inspiration, so it’s on him to sort that out with her on a personal level. I won’t get into the middle of that, but I will do what I can do look out for Emma’s best interests.

I can fool myself into believing I’m doing this to cover Cabbott Mobile’s ass since Drake took her idea and ran to the bank with it.

That’s not why I’m going to have contracts drawn up that guarantee Emma will be well compensated for her creative ingenuity.

I want her to get what is due to her.

She deserves this.

“I’ll talk to Drake about this,” I offer. “You’ll get to work finding a lawyer. I want all of this handled as soon as possible.”

Her gaze drops to her lap. “I know a lawyer in Seattle. He helped me with my contract when I signed on with the Garrington Academy.”

“Did Archie recommend him?”

She glances at me with perked brows. “Yes. Beauregard said he handled the estate planning for his grandparents too.”

“He’s not going to work for this.” I lean against the edge of the desk, crossing my feet at the ankles. “You need someone who specializes in contract work. I can have Elias put together a list of attorneys in Manhattan who are skilled in that area.”

“Someone in your back pocket?” She winks, or her nervous tic has got a hold of her.

“The only lawyers in my back pocket work for Cabbott.” I look her in the eye, so she understands I’m serious. “I won’t steer you wrong on this, Emma. I want this above board for obvious reasons.”

She drops her head into her hands, shielding her face from my view. “Is this really happening?”


