Rule Read Online Cassandra Robbins

Categories Genre: College, Forbidden, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83760 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

I scrub my hands up and down my face and smell her scent, trying to get my dick to calm down enough to go out and have the meeting I completely forgot about with Senator Beck.

“Give me five minutes,” I say as I drop my hands and look at her.

“What are we going to do?” She bites her lower lip.

“Well, as soon as my cock calms down, I’m going to walk out and deal with the senator.”

“Senator?” She covers her mouth, looking around as if she’s trying to find a place to hide.

“Alexandrea.” I grin. “If we were gonna get caught, it would have happened.” Her eyes dart back to mine.

“Just go into the bathroom and fix yourself up. Wait about five minutes, then casually walk out. It’s not against the rules for me to have office meetings with students.”

“Exactly.” She nods, shimmying off the desk.

“What about Skylar? Jesus, what did I just do…” She shakes her hands as if she needs to get blood flow to them, clearly ready to freak out. Any other time, I’d walk away, already bored with the theatrics, but I want to comfort her for some reason.

“Stop.” I grab her hands. “Look, I need to go, but we’ll discuss this later.” My calm voice soothes. It’s what she needs. She has no idea that I couldn’t care less about her sister. But what just went down in here really might explode, so this is my opportunity to get her away from me. Otherwise, I will fuck her next time, and with the way her pussy tasted, I’m not gonna stop until I’ve been in every one of her holes.

“I warned you not to play with me. Drop the class.” I kiss the top of her head as she stiffens and pulls away like I slapped her.

Maybe it’s best if she hates me. “Bathroom.” I walk to the door, waiting for her to move, but she just stands there.

“Alex, I don’t have time for this.” She shakes her head but turns and walks toward the bathroom as I open my door and step out.

Dan Beck stands a few feet away in his uptight suit with his assistant, frowning at me as I walk toward them, clearly not happy to be kept waiting.

“Dan.” I hold out my hand, and he shakes it.

“My apologies. I did not mean to keep you waiting. I lost track of the time eating pie.”

He raises an eyebrow at me. “Pie? This early in the day?” I motion for them to follow me toward the Engineering Department lab and conference room.

“Dan, I can eat pie anytime and all the time. It’s my favorite thing.” Unable to help it, I grin.

“I’ll remember that. My wife and I have this bakery down the street from our house that makes the most incredible pies. I’ll have Stacey send you one.” I open the door, smiling at him as he passes.

“Well, thank you, Dan. You certainly don’t have to. I have one I’m kind of addicted to right now.” It’s impossible not to laugh as we keep walking. I’m such a dick. I shouldn’t be in this good of a mood. There’s nothing funny about the fact that I have blue balls, and Alexandrea’s cunt tastes like peach pie.

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s the least I can do.” He turns to his assistant. “Make sure you send Dean Powers a few pies.” He looks at me. “What flavor?”

I smile. “I’m on a peach kick right now.”

“Ah, yes, fruit pies are the best.” Dan nods as I pull out one of the chairs for him to sit, his assistant sitting in the chair to his right. Matt walks in as I sit across from them and passes out the folders for our presentation.

“They are, indeed.”


Holy shit. Just keep walking, I chant in my head. Stunned, I make my way into the bathroom not quite believing what just happened. I just came in Dean Powers’s mouth.

“Holy fuck.” I grab the cold ceramic sink and look at myself in the mirror as the sound of his voice makes me freeze.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. I was eating pie.” He did not just say that, did he? I cover my mouth.

“Pie? This early in the day?”

“Dan, I can eat pie anytime and all the time. It’s my favorite thing.”

“Jesus.” I blow out some air as I look around. There’s not much in here but a toilet, a small shower, and a sink. So I sit on the toilet lid and try to get my breathing under control.

“I’m a horrible person,” I announce, closing my eyes, yet all I see is him. I bolt up and turn on the faucet and splash cool water on my burning cheeks. My mind on rewind, I see his eyes watching me and his lips saying the most filthy things… and I loved it.


