Ruined with a Promise Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 84075 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

“I’m not sure I follow,” I say very slowly.

Riley looks confused. “Well, with you and your new fiancée—”

“Katherine,” I say quickly.

“Right, Katherine.” Riley glances at Janice like he can’t think of what to say next.

“Your grandfather has been speaking with Riley ever since you decided to enter in your little engagement to a Stockton girl,” Janice says, her chin tilted upward like she wants to use that pointy chin as a javelin. “He’s been grooming Riley ever since. You know, for when he passes over control. Considering we now have a baby on the way—” She puts a hand on her belly and the smile on her face is the vilest thing I’ve seen in my life. It’s the most punchable grin I’ve ever seen on a pregnant woman.

I have to bite back a nasty retort and take a slow breath. They’re fucking with me—they have to be fucking with me—this is another way for Riley to try to make me screw up. If I cause a scene and shout my cousin down or threaten him in front of his pregnant wife, it’ll be a good excuse to make Grandpop turn against me.

But a kernel of something rings true.

Grandpop’s been talking to him about taking over my position for the last few weeks. Ever since I started things with Kat.

Meaning Grandpop never really thought I’d pull this off.

Kat’s been a way for Grandpop to test me, and he’s been thinking about my failure from the very beginning.

And Riley’s his chosen successor.

Rage boils in my stomach. Rage beyond anything I’ve felt in a long time. I’ve worked my ass off, fought my cousins, done nothing but prove myself again and again to Grandpop. I earned my position through sweat and blood, and now Grandpop wants to give it away to Riley all because the dumb fuck got some upper-crust girl pregnant?

“Have a nice evening,” I mutter and push past him. They must be too surprised to say anything because nobody calls out or tries to stop me as I storm into the main lobby of the Oak. I pull out my cell and when I’m in a good, private spot near the central tree, I call Grandpop’s office.

He answers on the third ring. “Hello?”

“Grandpop,” I say and try to keep the anger from my tone, but I’m finding it impossible. “I ran into Riley at the Oak Club just now. He and his wife say hello.”

“You didn’t call me to pass on your cousin’s greetings,” Grandpop says, sounding amused. “What’s the matter, Ford?”

“He told me something. You’ve been grooming him for the past few weeks. You’ve been nudging him toward the heir position.”

“Have I now?” He laughs softly. “News to me.”

“Don’t play games with me, Grandpop. You all but told me that’s what you were doing the other day when I visited. I know you love nothing more than to pit the boys against each other, but we’re not children anymore.”

“Yes, that’s true, you’re not a child anymore, Ford. So why do you think you can speak to me in this way?” His voice is icy now, all the humor gone.

“I’m done with the games. I want your word. I’m the heir.”

“I can’t do that.”

“I earned this and you know it.”

“And yet you’re still failing your last test. How long has it been, Bradford?” I grimace at my full name. Grandpop only ever uses it when he wants to hurt me. “You’ve had plenty of opportunity to get me what I want and yet you still haven’t. I don’t know if you enjoy playing house with that cheap Stockton girl, but I’m not foolish enough to bet on a single horse. If you fail, or perhaps I should say when you fail, Riley will be my second choice.”

I grind my jaw and have to grip the tree to keep from screaming into the phone. I’m losing it, losing my cool, losing my control, and I don’t know what the fuck happened to me. I was never like this before Katherine, and yet now that she’s in my life, it’s like all the emotions I’ve been able to so easily tame all these years keep coming up and ripping me to shreds.

I have to get myself together.

“I’ll give you what you want,” I say and my tone is a barely restrained growl. “Stop the shit with Riley.”

“Actions, Ford. Not words. Actions. Good luck, but I won’t wait forever.” Grandpop hangs up.

My life feels like it’s a single stitch unwinding. I’m coming apart and being pulled in multiple directions, and I’m going to come loose if I can’t find a way to keep myself together. Hurt Kat and get my dream—spare Kat and keep her as my wife but lose my family. Can I live in a world where Riley’s in charge of the Arc empire? Where Riley’s running our restaurants?


