Rowdy or Not (To Tame a Burly Man #4) Read Online Frankie Love

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella Tags Authors: Series: To Tame a Burly Man Series by Frankie Love

Total pages in book: 22
Estimated words: 21010 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 105(@200wpm)___ 84(@250wpm)___ 70(@300wpm)

“Hey Nicole,” Nelson says, picking up the bucket he’s been handing out candy from. “Trick or treat?”

I laugh. “I think I’d like both your tricks and your treats, Nelson.”

“Pick one.”

“Treat, then.”

He presents me with the bucket. I wonder what he’s up to, because it’s not like I don’t have a massive bucket of candy of my own. I reach in and feel something that’s definitely not a plastic wrapper. It’s hard, and feels kind of velvety. I connect the dots, and when I pull it out of the bottom of the bucket, I gasp.

It’s a blue velvet ring box.

“I don’t care if it’s not even been a month, Nicole. I’ve seen all I need to see to know that I want you for the rest of my days.”

“Nelson, I...”

He pulls off the top of his costume as he drops to one knee. “It’s fate. Even with our last names pushing us apart, we still found one another. We both came back to Burly at about the same time... meeting one another like we did… and I managed to talk your father out of a century’s worth of family feuds. We’re meant to be. And now I want nothing more than to settle down with you, Nicole. Put down roots. Start a family. Marry me, Nicole. Let’s bury this feud with a wedding to bring us all together.”

I’m overwhelmed with emotion, but no answer in my life has ever been clearer.

I tear off the top of my costume too. “Yes. Of course. Yes, I’ll marry you, Nelson.”

He slides the ring on my finger, and pulls me close with a kiss, embracing me so strongly. Kissing me in a way that might not be as PG as we were trying to keep it.

There are still plenty of people around to see the scene. The parents cheer us on, so happy to see it, and join us in celebrating the happiness that Nelson and I will relish for so many years to come.

And to think, it all happened because I showed up to the Fall Ball as an avocado to make a thousand bucks.

Life’s silly and fun, and I think with Nelson, it’s going to stay that way for years to come.



One year later, we’re faced with the final duty of our Fall Ball crowning: to pass the crowns to the next king and queen.

The preacher presented Nicole and I with ours, and I was told it was because the previous year’s king and queen had moved out of the county. But since we’re not going anywhere, we’re more than happy to pass on our crowns to the next lucky couple.

We stand on stage, hand in hand. Thankfully we weren’t asked to wear our award-winning taco and avocado, and could dress properly for the chilly weather. There are wedding rings on our fingers, a reminder of our bond being made official. The past year has been wonderful and serene, and everything I hoped for.

We had such a raucous wedding too. The Rough family come over from Home, and the Rowdys and the McCormicks had to spend time in the same space.

With an open bar no less.

Fortunately for us, it worked out for the best, no bloodshed or anything.

Lots of Nicole’s uncles and cousins, when they had a little whiskey in them, realized the feud was dumb and were singing along to old country songs soon enough. The quality of the singing honestly should have been offensive to everyone, but when everyone is guilty, nobody is, and the Rowdys and Roughs joined right in too.

Hopefully all that feud nonsense is now fully a thing of the past. But there’s always a chance for stupid to rear its ugly head.

“And this year’s King and Queen of the Fall Ball...” Preacher Landon announces, “are that lovely couple dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Claus!”

He points them out in the crowd and they make their way onto the stage. It’s an older couple, who cleverly used their age to their advantage for their costumes. He has a long gray beard, and she has the school marm look down pat. He doesn’t have the red jacket, but I guess it’s October, and Santa isn’t on duty yet.

“Personally?” Nicole whispers to me. “I would have disqualified them for being out of season. We don’t need Christmas invading Halloween.”

“They put their effort in though. That beard is way more authentic than any mall Santa get-up.”

“Oh yeah, I’m not doubting their dedication, but I like Halloween, Nelson. It shouldn’t be consumed by Christmas.”

I’m more smitten by how adorable I find them. They’re sixty years old at the very least, their hair all gray. I think they moved into town recently, but in their short time here it’s already clear they’re madly in love with one another, and have been for a long time. They’re so excited to win the contest too, holding one another, kissing, laughing.


