Rock Hard Neighbor Read online Rye Hart

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75285 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 376(@200wpm)___ 301(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

From where I was sitting, I could see out onto the porch and I gasped at the sight that stood before Brian on the threshold.

“Sarah!” I exclaimed, rising from the table with Lanie in my arms.

My best friend stood in front of Brian with her hands on her hips, giving him the evil eye. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud. Sarah was even shorter and more petite than I was, and the sight of her squaring off with a man of Brian’s size was nothing short of hilarious. Still, I was shocked by her presence.

“Sarah, what are you doing here?” I asked, going over to give her a hug.

Her eyes went to the little girl in my arms and I could see her gaze soften in an instant.

“You were sad, so I came,” she said, again turning a critical eye on Brian. “You weren’t at your place, so I figured you’d be here.”

“I can’t believe you came all the way here and up the mountain,” I said, overwhelmed by emotion.

“You’re my best friend, and you needed me. So here I am. You must be Brian,” she said, swinging her gaze back to him.

“I am,” he said, looking down at the small spitfire standing in his doorway.

“Well, are you going to let me in, or are you going to leave me out here to freeze my ass off on your porch?”

Brian chuckled low in his chest and stepped aside so Sarah could enter. She had dropped everything and flown here from New York, and I truly loved her for it. She stepped over the threshold and took off her coat and scarf, handing them to Brian as if he were the butler. The look on his face, had me stifling a giggle.

She was going to give him a run for his money.

“And this must be the lovely Lanie,” Sarah said, coming over to smooth the girl’s hair from her forehead.

“Yep,” Lanie replied. “Who are you?”

“I’m Sarah. Amanda here is my bestest friend in the whole wide world and I came to visit her,” Sarah said, smiling widely at the little girl.

“Uncle Bwian, I’m tired,” Lanie said.

“All right. Let me get the table cleaned up, and I’ll tuck you in,” Brian said.

“Could my new friend do it?” Lanie asked.

I watched Brian as his eyes ventured over toward Sarah and then to me. I nodded that Sarah would be fine with her.

“Sure,” he said. “If Sarah wants to tuck you in, she can.”

“Come here, beautiful,” Sarah said. “Let’s go clean you off with a warm washcloth before we get into some jammies.”

“No bath,” Lanie said.

“Nope. No bath. Just a warm washcloth to get the rest of that pizza sauce off your face and hands. Then we’ll wrap up you tight, lay you down, and I’ll read you a book. How does that sound?” Sarah asked.

“Good,” Lanie said sleepily.

Brian hovered the majority of the time Sarah was tucking Lanie in. He listened as they giggled at the sink and watched as Sarah put Lanie in her pajamas. He stood by the door as Sarah read her a book and was there when Sarah came tip-toeing out of Lanie’s room.

“She feels a little warm to me. Is she sick?” Sarah asked.

“Yes, she’s got a bit of a cold. I gave her some medicine right before dinner,” Brian told her.

I had to laugh at how just inside of ten minutes, Sarah had Brian answering to her. It was one of her many talents.

“So, I didn’t interrupt anything did I?” Sarah asked, feigning innocence.

Brian shook his head. “Not really. I was just going to ask Amanda if she was still willing to come to court with me tomorrow.”

I looked at him with something like mild shock coursing through my veins. “Of course. If you need me to be there for Lanie, then I will.”

“Great, now that that’s settled, it’s late and I’m tired. You coming Amanda?” Sarah asked, gathering her coat off of the hook by the front door.

I was about to say yes, when something in Brian’s eyes changed my mind. I could tell that there was more that he wanted to say, but I knew he wouldn’t with Sarah still here.

“Actually, I think I’m going to stay for a bit,” I said. “I’ll give you the key to my place, and you can get settled over there.”

Sarah crinkled her nose. “Oh hell no. Now that I’ve seen it in person, there’s no way I’m going in there before it’s been rebuilt, redecorated, and exorcised!” she said dramatically.

I laughed and shook my head.

“I reserved a room at the same hotel in town,” she said. “Are you sure you won’t come with me?” she asked.

I looked from her to Brian and back. “I’m sure. I’ll be ok,” I told her.

“She was crying when she called me yesterday,” Sarah said, swinging her eyes to Brian.


