Ride Out (Hellions Ride Out #1) Read Online Chelsea Camaron

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Hellions Ride Out Series by Chelsea Camaron

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 43478 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 217(@200wpm)___ 174(@250wpm)___ 145(@300wpm)

Before I can reply, she turns around as someone is calling for her from the back and walks away. “Have a good day,” she calls out behind her.

Well, seeing as I’m not getting anywhere with this, I move on to the next task.

Field inspection on a farm.

Josie drives since she is more active in this area and we go check out the place. We make it down the driveway to the barn area where I see a man pulling up on a tractor.

“You have to be kidding me?” I say to no one in particular as I take in the beard and backwards baseball hat.

Country Boy has a farm.

I look at the paperwork and the farm is registered to Joseph Worley. Country Boy stops the tractor and hops off to meet us as Josie and I begin to get out of the car.

His face is serious and the edges are hard. I wonder for a moment if I will encounter the rough around the edges biker I saw in Texas or the Country Boy I’m getting to know.

He looks up, his eyes meet mine and every feature in his face softens as a smile breaks out. Before I can wave, he takes off in a jog coming right to me.

“Sweets,” he says lifting me up and spinning me around. “You miss me?”

I laugh, “Sugar there is more to my life than you. I’m here to see a Joseph Worley.”

He lowers me to the ground gently before presses a soft kiss to my forehead. “Joe is my business partner. He’ll be right over from the soy field.” He looks to me and then to Josie, “Schneider, right?”

She nods and takes over. “We have the final grant paperwork. If we can get the soil samples done, we can move forward with next steps.”

“This is what you do for a job?” he asks and I’m quite shocked.

“You managed to find my name out without me telling you. I figured you knew what my job was.”

He gives a half smile, “Knew you had a job title, knew you covered a lot of territory. Didn’t think you would be on my farm alongside Schneider as we try to shift some of our crops over to organic.”

Unsure of what to say, I do what I always do and say what’s on my mind. “It’s our job to help any and all farmers in the state.”

He tosses his head back laughing. “I like this, Sweets. Another reason to see ya. My question is how will you duck out of this one?”

Oh, he cuts deep. I guess leaving him asleep probably wasn’t my best moment. It’s just I don’t know how to do what it is we are doing. He shows me over and over he’s a good man. He constantly texts and calls even when I’m trying to ignore him. He cares about my day. He obviously will move mountains for my safety.

This whole thing with him is so unexpected in my world, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Finding him here, when I’m on a farm visit for work, it does tell me one thing…

It’s time I give this a real shot and stop fighting what is right in front of my face.



“I like dogs … I can deal with cats.”

“So you’re the man who keeps taking my sister away?” Carrie asks me as I sit on the couch at Sara’s house.


I’m not sure what she wants me to say. Sara and I have been doing this back and forth thing for the last two months. I know it’s probably a lot to ask of her sister and her friends to take care of the animals when she is with me in Salemburg. I try as much as I can to stay down here, but given my responsibilities to the farm and to my club, I can’t always do that.

Carrie puts her hand on her hip dramatically. “And you think it’s okay to take her away from us?”

“I don’t see it as taking her away. What I’ll tell you is. I’m a simple man. My lifestyle ain’t easy. Sara knows this and yet, she still fits. Even when we have tried to walk away, we are brought back together. Some things are meant to be.”

“You have all the answers don’t you?”

Sara gives my hand a squeeze on the couch beside me. “Nope, not a one actually. I don’t need answers, what I need is a chance. Give me a chance to let you see how happy I intend to make your sister. Give me a chance to show you things aren’t always what they seem. Give me a chance to see how your sister and I can make our shit work and then whatever you want to throw at me, I’ll take.”

Carrie’s face softens. “You really want to try to make this work even though you both have your own lives apart from each other?”


