Returning Home (The Seaside Chronicles #1) Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Seaside Chronicles Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 79433 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 397(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

He reached his hand out for mine, and we shook. “I’m really happy for you both,” he said. “I know how much you two love each other, and I’m glad Addie finally came back to town, even if she did steal you from me.”

I hit my brother on the arm. “So am I.”

“Do Ken and Janet know?” Braxton asked.

I shook my head.

“Bro, you haven’t told Mom and Dad?” Brody asked.

“Not yet, but don’t worry. I’m going to let everyone know soon. I’m planning on inviting our families to the restaurant tonight.”

Brody laughed. “Dude, I was going to say—you better make sure Mom doesn’t find out about this in the gossip column.”

It was my turn to laugh. “Trust me, when the last one came out and she called me in a huff, I told myself she’d be the first to know next time.”

Brody and Braxton laughed.

I started to take a few steps toward the exit. “Listen, I need to get going.”

“Then we’ll see you later tonight, I guess. And congrats!” Braxton called out.

My brother gave me a knowing smile. “Later, Gannon.”

As I made my way to the parking lot, the nerves started to kick in. I knew Adelaide would say yes; I really had no idea why I was so freaked out. Picking up my pace, I jogged to my car. Once I got inside, I called Pete.

“Hey, Gannon.”

“How’s it going, Pete?”

“Everything’s good on my side. You?”


He chuckled. “She’s going to say yes. I’ve got everything set up—and you’re going to owe me big time for this.”

I smiled. “Thanks so much, Pete. I won’t forget this.”

“Not a problem, cuz. Talk to you soon.”

I put my phone back in my gym bag and headed home to shower and get ready.

The water dripped off my body as I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and rushed to grab my ringing cell phone.


“Hey, it’s me.”

I smiled at the sound of Adelaide’s voice. “How was your day?” I asked.

“It was good. Interview went great. He hired me!”

“That’s awesome, sweetheart. When do you start?”

“We haven’t figured that all out yet. He invited me to dinner tonight with him and Dr. James to talk more about it.”

My heart dropped to my stomach.

“But I told him I had plans. He was really nice about it and said we’d try to make it happen another time. I guess he already called my former supervisor at the hospital and got an outstanding recommendation from her. She told him he would be crazy not to hire me.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding. “That’s amazing, Addie.”

“Looks like I’ll be a working girl again.”

“He would have been a fool not to hire you.”

“You’re biased.”

I chuckled. “Maybe a little. Are you still good with me picking you up around six thirty? Our reservations are for seven.”

“That’s perfect. See you then.”

“Seen you then. I love you, Addie.”

“Love you, too, Gannon. Bye.”


I hit End and tossed the phone onto the bed, then turned and headed back into the bathroom. Tonight, I was finally going to do the one thing I’d been dreaming of from the first moment I’d ever laid eyes on Adelaide Bradley.


I wiped my hands on my pants and drew in a deep breath before I knocked on Palmer’s front door. I wasn’t sure why in the hell I was so nervous. I had basically already asked her and I knew what her answer would be. This was the real thing though.

Not even a second later, the door flew open and Palmer greeted me with a shit-eating grin on her face. Before I could say anything, she spoke first.

“I talked to Brax,” she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the living room. “I’m so glad he told me so I could help Addie pick out a dress to wear.”

“She doesn’t know, does she?”

Palmer shot me a look. “Do you think I’m that stupid? I didn’t say a word. Now, can I see the ring?”

Laughing, I shook my head. “No! I’m not showing you the ring before I ask her.”

She gave me a pout but then smiled. “Right answer! And smart move, going to Dad first.”

“Well, he did say a bunch of stuff to me in Gaelic at first while your mom stood there smiling, so I’m going to pretend they were words of advice and not death threats.”

Palmer made a face. “Most likely detailed ways he would destroy you if you ever hurt his eldest daughter. Mom thought for sure he’d end up in jail after he found out how Jack had been treating Sutton. Took Braxton talking him down, otherwise Dad might have been arrested for murder.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “Thanks, Palmer. I liked my version much better.”

“I’m sure you did,” she mumbled. Then she turned and screamed, “Addie! Gannon is here for your date!”

“Jesus,” I said with a laugh. “I just had déjà vu from when I used to pick up Addie in high school.”


