Restrain Me (Corrupted Royals #4) Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Corrupted Royals Series by Michelle Heard

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 70826 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 354(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)

When his eyes flick in Cami’s direction, I growl, “Don’t fucking look at my woman.”

His eyebrow lifts as he turns his attention to me. “Your woman? I wasn’t aware.”

“Now you are,” I mutter. Getting down to business, I say, “Tell me who hired you.”

A chuckle escapes him as he shakes his head. “You know that’s not how it works. Confidentiality and all.”

I lean forward, and resting my forearms on the table, I lock eyes with the fucker. “I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. If you ever want a moment’s peace again, you’ll give me the name.”

Again he shakes his head. “I can stay here for the rest of my life. Threatening me won’t work.”

Jesus Christ.

I lean back in my chair and ask, “What’s your price?”

His smile widens. “Information is costly, Maxim.”

I swear to God, this man is testing the little patience I have. “How. Fucking. Much?”

“I’m feeling generous.” He shrugs. “Ten million. Right now.”

My eyes flick to Cami, and I see her watching us.

Taking out my cell phone, I access my account and authorize a transfer of ten million to Ruznak. A code is generated, which I have to give to him so he can gain access to the funds.

“I want the name before I give you the code,” I say. “It’s not negotiable.”

He pulls a serviette closer, and taking a pen from his pocket, he writes something on the square. Keeping his hand over the serviette, he lifts an eyebrow at me. “On three. Do you want to count, or should I?”

“Three,” I mutter. “Two…One.” I turn my phone’s screen so he can see the numbers while I read the name.

Fabian Roux.

As I rise from the chair, I grab the pen from Rusnak and stab it into his hand before I punch him so hard he falls off -his chair.

“That’s for killing my woman’s father,” I growl as I stalk around the table, and before he can get up, I kick him in the chin, rendering him unconscious. “Fucking piece of shit.”

“Max,” Cami hisses, her eyes filled with panic.

She glances around as if she’s expecting an attack.

Guards enter the dining hall, and I hold my arms up, saying, “I’m leaving.”

I move closer to Cami, and grabbing her arm, I steer her out of the dining hall.

“Do you feel better, Mr. Levin?” Director Koslov calls out from the hallway we’re passing by.

“Not by a long shot, but it will have to do for the time being,” I answer before I continue to walk to the front doors.

As much as the fucker annoys me, he’s not worth the energy it would take to hunt and kill him, and there’s an unwritten rule that we don’t go after other assassins as a professional courtesy.

I stop by the guard to collect my guns, and as we head to the SUV, Cami whispers, “Jesus, Max. I don’t know why you beat him, but it was freaking hot.”

I bundle her into the passenger seat and strap the safety belt across her chest. Shutting the door, I stalk around the vehicle, taking a deep breath to ease my temper.

When I slide behind the steering wheel, I can feel her eyes on me. I start the engine, and as I drive to the exit, I say, “Rusnak killed your father, and I have the name of the man who ordered the hit.”

My eyes flick to Cami, and I see her lips part with shock. “The man you just beat up killed Papa?” Her features tighten as anger pours through her. “Who ordered the assassination?”

Only when we leave the grounds of St. Monarch’s behind do I answer, “Fabian Roux. Does the name ring a bell?”

“No.” She digs her phone out of her bag and searches the name on Google. “He’s the CEO of Comprehensive Energies. It’s the largest energy company in France.”

“Fucking finally,” I mutter. “That’s the reason he went after your father. The green policy your father wanted to implement would’ve cost the company a loss.”

Cami shakes her head, then she finds a photo of Fabian Roux, and disgust tightens her features. “I want him dead, Max.”

“I’ll take care of the fucker,” I promise.

“When?” she asks, still reading up on information about the man.

“Once I’ve arranged with Nikolai for you to stay with them on the island.”

Her eyes fly to me, and as I pull up the driveway of our home, she says, “No, I’m going with you.”

When I shake my head, she reminds me, “You said we’ll always stick together. Where you go, I go. I’ll be safer with you, and I don’t know the Vetrovs that well.”


I park the car then turn in my seat to face her. “The whole of France knows who you are, and it will be dangerous. You got along with Abigail at the wedding. At the most, I’ll be gone twenty-four hours.”


