Resisting Mr. Granville – Blurred Lines Read Online Sam Mariano

Categories Genre: Dark, Forbidden, Romance, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 145
Estimated words: 140184 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 701(@200wpm)___ 561(@250wpm)___ 467(@300wpm)

Jet frowns, and it’s only at the flash of hurt across his features I realize how cold I’m being. “Do you not like hanging out with me?”


I didn’t mean to be an asshole to Jet, so I walk back my attitude a bit. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. Of course, I’ve been having a great time hanging out with you. I’m just in a shitty mood, that’s all. It’s not your fault. I’m sorry for taking it out on you.”

His concern eases, and he flashes me a reassuring smile. “It’s all right. You can make it up to me tomorrow night when you come over to my house after you get off work.”

I roll my eyes, smiling faintly. “Fine. Yes, I guess I can come over. Do you know if it’ll be just us? Will your brother be there?”

“Jonathan?” he asks, surprised. “I don’t know, probably not. He’s usually not home. That’s why he still lives with us while he’s in college. He’s basically never there, wouldn’t be worth it to get his own place right now.”


I definitely don’t want to spend any time with him, but I’m happy to hang out with Jet and Milo—though I am still a little leftover annoyed at him for last weekend.

We haven’t even had a chance to talk about it because while we made comments about exchanging numbers, we hadn’t done it yet. I figured we would after shopping when we were hanging out at the house, but then Jonathan was there and ruined everything.



Since I’m hanging out at Jet’s place after work, I take an oversized purse with a change of clothes, my new headphones, and some overnight items, just in case.

I know Milo bought me new clothes last weekend on our shopping spree, but he also got weird when Jonathan caught us. For all I know, he returned everything after I left.

Given my mixed feelings about even going over there tonight, I’m not sure how I’ll feel as my shift nears its end, but I still find myself hustling to clean up so I can get out of here.

I guess the Granville house is way better than work, even if I’m unsure of the guest list.

On my way over, I turn on some music and do my best to shake off the last of my bad attitude. I definitely didn’t pass the vibe check yesterday with Jet, but not having Milo’s house as a sanctuary to get away to this week has been rough, and it’s made me grumpy as hell. I don’t know how I got along for so long without going to Milo’s house for a break…

Oh, right. By being miserable all the time.

I crack a smile that doesn’t last once I start thinking about the impermanence of it all. It’s dangerous to invest so heavily in such an unsure thing. If Milo’s house is my only respite, what will I do if I can’t go there anymore?

I try to put that worry out of my head as I pull into the driveway.

I yank off my hat and take out my pony tail so I can shake my hair out. It’s still flat from being trapped beneath a hat all evening, but it’ll have to do.

I leave my hat, grab my purse, and lock up the car, then I head for the front door.

Please be Jet or Milo, please be Jet or Milo, please be…

I see a Granville man coming my way on the other side of the frosted glass.

I hold my breath.

The door opens.

It rushes out in a relieved huff as Jet opens the door.

The harmless Granville.

I smile at him and it’s not even fake; I’m so relieved he isn’t his dumb brother.

“Hey,” I say brightly.

“Hey,” he says, smiling as he takes a step back and opens the door for me. “You made it.”

“I did.” I still find myself peeking around corners like I’m waiting for someone to pop out at me, but no one does. We head to the kitchen where he grabs me a bottle of cold water, then the living room where I’m relieved as hell to find only Milo sitting on the couch.

I breathe another little sigh of relief.

It’s going to be a good night, after all.

Milo’s gaze hits me and I warm all over. The glint of interest in his blue eyes makes me feel even hotter.

His gaze roams over me. At first, I’m surprised to see him smirking like that while he checks me out in front of Jet, but then he says, “Nice outfit.”

“Oh.” I look down at my work uniform. “Yeah. It’s probably really greasy and gross. I should probably change out of it before I sit on your couch…”

“Your emergency pajamas are upstairs in my bathroom on the counter. I left them out in case you decided to spend the night.”


