Repo Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 84788 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

"That's why we're here. We need to know what you guys know. You live with her. You sleep near her. If anyone aside... aside from Repo," he said, giving me a brow raise and a smirk that any idiot could decipher, "it's you guys. What do you got?"

"She's got a sister," Renny supplied, making me start.

"What?" I barked before I could stop myself. She'd never said shit about a sister.

"Yeah," Renny shrugged. "She called her a fuckton of times the night of the BBQ. Apparently there was some issue with the sister's fiance cheating or some shit. She lives in the city."

Reign turned to me with a shrug. "Maybe her sister needed her?"

"So she just left groceries to rot in your truck at a train station?" I shot back, dubiously.

"I dunno. Bitches can be weird like that when the other needs her. Remember Lo when Summer went into labor?"

I felt my lips quirk up despite the pit in my stomach. I remembered that shit alright. Me and Cash had been in the waiting room of the hospital, Reign giving us a short update when Lo walked in with two rifles crossed over her back, completely oblivious to the fact that they were even there despite the worried looks all the nurses were giving her, until Cash walked over and removed them for her. Hell, Janie had showed up half an hour after that with Alex in toe, Janie bleeding profusely from her nose and Alex's lip swollen from, presumably, grappling practice.

He was right, women seemed to quite literally drop everything when another was in trouble.

"Alright. So this sister..." Reign started, "is there any way for us to get in contact with..."

The rest of his sentence drifted off when all of our attention went to the open gates where a behemoth black SUV with black-out windows came barreling to a stop, the engine barely getting a chance to cut off before the door was thrown open and a man jumped out.

"Who the fuck..." Reign started, reaching for the gun in the waistband in his jeans, me and Cash doing the same. Renny's hands curled into fists and Duke went for his knife.

The man was tall and black with a distinct boxer's build that he had dressed in slate gray slacks with a thin black plaid pattern and a black dress shirt, tucked in, black loafers and an expensive silver watch. It was a fucking ridiculous outfit given the heat, but he didn't even seem to be sweating.

It was Renny who spoke next as the man stopped advancing, jerking his chin up at our raised guns like they didn't intimidate him.

"She fucking lied to me!" he declared, sounding genuinely offended.

"The fuck you talking about?" Reign asked, not taking his eyes off the stranger.

"Maze. She lied to me about her sister. That number that was calling her? It was K.C.E Boxing Emporium."

"Start making some fucking sense or shut the fuck up," Reign demanded.

"She said her sister worked there when I grilled her about it. She lied."

"How the fuck do you know that, kid?" Cash asked.

"Because the guy who runs K.C.E Boxing Emporium is standing..."

"Right here," the man said in a deep, smooth voice. "Now lower the fucking guns and tell me where the fuck Maisy is."





I was the first to drop my gun. Mainly out of surprise.

"Who the fuck are you?"


Reign and Cash lowered their guns in unison. "K?" Cash asked. "As in the K and his disappearing women?"

"That'd be me."

K and his disappearing women.

His fucking disappearing women.

Jesus Christ.

"Hey, he was ready to send his woman to you a coupla years back," Cash supplied, nodding his head toward his brother.

"That's great. Where the fuck is Maisy?" he asked, looking directly at me for some reason.

"She's gone," I said, shaking my head. "And that's all you're gonna fucking get until you explain yourself to us."

"Repo," he said, nodding at me. "I fucking knew she had something going on with you."

"You sent her here, didn't you?" Reign asked.

"Did you assholes have to give her such a hard time?" K shot back, shaking his head at us.

"Alright, let's move this inside. It's hot as balls out here," Cash announced, holding the door open.

With that, everyone turned and headed into the clubhouse.

"Explain," Reign demanded, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall inside the door.

"Got a call from Maisy about four hours ago. She checked in with my receptionist and said she was bugging out. That's a serious call. It means the shit hit the fan in a big way and she had to run. She's instructed to toss the phone and board a train to Philly where she was to call me immediately after getting her bug-out bag. That should have happened almost two hours ago."

The shit hit the fan.

And it was serious.

"Who is she running from?" Reign was calm enough to ask while my fucking brain felt like it was swirling.


