Replacing My Ex Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 77663 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

It never crossed my mind that she would even think that she stood a chance with me. But then again, I’ve met people like her, both men and women, who are oblivious to everything but their own bullshit. They live inside their heads and think everyone else should go along with whatever is on their agenda.

Or maybe she thinks I’m as blind as that asshole she got to destroy his life for her. I’m not sure what the guy was thinking, not that I care. But anyone who saw those two women would have to wonder if he was maybe high or having a psychotic break when he chose to fuck his whole life away to be with that one.

Not in looks nor personality did she even come close to my girl. And since she’d done me a solid by getting him out of my woman’s life and hadn’t taken part in attacking her that day on the street, I was all set to leave her alone. She had a kid to raise, after all, and since my plan was to destroy Dan and his mother, somebody needed to stick around for the kid. But that was dead now, too. At least it won’t take me any more time to decide what to do with her.

Had she not shown up here and got herself caught on my facial recognition cameras, I wouldn’t have suspected a thing about her past. I guess I’ll never know why she’d used the name Hall here instead of Samuels, but in the scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter. Fossie, Samuels, Hall, it didn’t make a difference. All three of them were fucked.

“She’s also into heavy drug use or used to be anyway. No one knows what she’s been up to since she fell off the face of the earth four years ago.”

“I see; anything else?”

“Yeah, according to your timeline, she would’ve had to meet Dan and gotten pregnant all in the same week she went on the run, or….”

“Or, the kid’s not his.”

“That’s what I’m thinking, but I could be wrong. It's pretty close, though.”

“Do you have a picture of the ex?”

“I can send it through right now. He wasn’t part of whatever went on here, though. He’s already behind bars. She ran and left him holding the bag.”

“Send it anyway.”

I hung up with him and called Kieran. “Is it done?”


“Where’s the kid?”

“With the grandmother like you suspected. There was no one else home, and the door wasn’t exactly fixed after you kicked it in, so it was a breeze getting in and out.”

“Okay, come back.” I hung up and called my guy on the force. This was going to turn out much better than I expected with her prior warrants. Two down, one to go.

It had taken some time, a whole week, but I’d finally found a way to make them pay for making my woman feel less than. I didn’t expect her to show up here, though, and give me that added bonus.

With the shit I had Kieran plant in their house, fifty-one pounds of weed exactly, as an unlicensed seller, they’d be looking at eight to thirty-two years, plus a million-dollar fine. Life was going to get very dark for Dan and Deidre pretty soon.

Now I have to find out if the kid is his and, if not, whose he is. Maybe she left family back in Arkansas, or the boyfriend had family if the kid was his that would want to take him. I didn’t feel too good about the kid going into the system, and since I plan on tackling Cecile as well, that was the one stumbling block I couldn’t see past.

I looked into the aunts on Dan’s side, two of which seemed promising, but if the kid is no relation I don’t see them taking him in. I’m hoping now that he’s not his, that he fucked his life away for something that was never his, and I’ll be sure to let him know.

I have a feeling, though, that the mother would be the hardest hit by that since I’ll make sure to remind him that it was his dear old mom who pushed to have this woman in his life while treating his actual wife like shit. My woman.

I went to pick up my girl at closing time. Her grandmother had already been taken home by her driver. The evening felt different because there was no wall between us. She looked happy, sounded happy and I liked that way better than the sullen woman who had been sitting next to me for the past week.

It hit me as we drove through the gates of our beautiful home that I never want to see that look on my woman’s face again. I want her to have the full princess in a-castle experience for the rest of her life.


