Reckless Truths – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Biker, Mafia, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 132332 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

“Did you get my text?” He steps next to me and flings open one of the cabinet doors and grabs a coffee mug, plunking it on the counter.

“Who said you could have my coffee?”

“Pfft.” He opens the refrigerator and rummages through it for a carton of creamer. “You’re low on half-and-half.”

“You could bring some with you one of these days, you know. Since you help yourself to it often enough.”

“That would be nice of me, wouldn’t it.” He sets the container on the counter.

I peek out the kitchen window. The chickens are running loose again. I’ll have to get them in a minute. “Where’s Heidi?”

“At Rock’s.” He waves his hand in the direction of the clubhouse. “Guess who’s back?”

“Back where?”

“Here. In New York.”

“The Jets.”

“What? No.” He shakes his head, his frustration with me obvious. “They’re a terrible team anyway. Jersey can have ’em.”

My mouth quirks. Time to throw him a bone. “All right. Who?”

Now it’s his turn to fuck with me. He lifts his chin. “Why’s your coffee maker so fucking slow?”

I take an exaggerated look around the room. “Does this look like a Starbucks to you?”

“No. I’d have some coffee in my cup by now if it was.”

“Doubtful,” I mutter, searching for two more mugs. “All right, so what has your panties in a bunch this morning? Tell me. I’m dying to know who’s back in the great State of New York.”


Well, fuck. My hand stops mid-air and the cup I’m holding clatters onto the counter. “Seriously? Where’s she been all this time?”

“Don’t know. But…” He takes a long, dramatic pause. “She didn’t return alone.”

“She married or something? Z won’t be thrilled.” I’m already losing interest in this conversation. Lilly couldn’t have made it clearer that she didn’t want to be Z’s ol’ lady when she ghosted his ass. Why anyone, except Hope, gives a shit about her return is beyond me.

“He’d probably prefer that,” Blake says. “She has a kid.”

“A kid?” A sick feeling settles in my stomach. “Or Z’s kid?”

He wags his finger in my face. “Ding, ding, ding!”

I slap his hand away. “Knock that off.” Jesus, who knew being business partners with Wrath would mean Blake would pick up so many of his annoying habits?

“Hope said the kid looks just like Z. She arranged for Z and Lilly to meet up at the park. Lilly didn’t deny it, I guess.”

“Damn.” Z’s gotta be hurting over this. “How old is the kid?”

Blake shrugs. “I dunno. Whenever we saw Lilly last, minus nine months?”

“That’s so fucked up.”

“Yup. I saw Z just before he left, and he seemed rattled.” He shrugs. “I gave him one of our car seats just in case.”

The more details he gives, the sicker I feel. It’s too close to my own situation. Or maybe it’s nothing like my situation. Z’s kid is young enough that he won’t remember not having his dad in his life the first few years, whereas I’ve got thirty-some years of parental damage to unpack. Either way, it leaves a sourness burning in my stomach.

“What’s he going to do?” I ask.

“Get to know his kid, I guess.” He shrugs. “You know how he felt about her.”

“Did Hope know about the kid?”

“No way.” He immediately shuts down that question. “She’s hopping mad about the whole thing.”

“She probably feels guilty. Z wouldn’t have met Lilly if it wasn’t for her.”

He cocks his head. “Not cool. You better not say that to Hope, either.”

“Why? Is Rock gonna deck me?”

“No, I will.”

I give him a quick shove sideways. “Love to see you try, brother.”

“Now, boys, what did I tell you about fighting before coffee?” Charlotte shuffles into the kitchen and yawns.

Blake runs his concerned gaze over Charlotte’s bathrobe and sleepy appearance. “Are you okay?”

“Late night.” She reaches up and ruffles her hand over Blake’s hair. “What’s up, my ginger twinny?”

He chuckles and runs his hands through his hair, trying to straighten the mess Charlotte made of it.

“He sped over here to share some hot gossip like a little ol’ church grandma,” I say, pouring coffee into her cup.

“Ooo.” Charlotte accepts the mug and adds creamer. “Do tell.”

“Lilly’s back,” Blake says.

“Hope’s friend? The one Z liked?” she asks.

“Yup.” Blake reaches for the coffeepot but I bat his hand away. “She’s got a kid too. Z’s.”

“Daaamn.” Charlotte’s eyes meet mine. I quickly lift one shoulder. “That’s rough.”

“Wonder how that will go over with Stella?” I snicker into my coffee cup. “Z’s little porn-star girlfriend doesn’t seem like the motherly type.”

Charlotte smacks my arm.

“I doubt Z gives a shit.” Blake shrugs. “Rav said Z had two bunnies in his bed last night.”

“Gee, can’t imagine why Lilly left,” Charlotte mutters.

“Nah, he wouldn’t be nailing two chicks a night if Lilly had been here,” Blake says with confidence. Hell, maybe he’s right. Doesn’t explain or excuse what Lilly’s done.

“Hope won’t want to touch that custody case with a ten-foot pole. I can find someone for Z if he needs it,” Charlotte offers.


