Reckless Truths – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Biker, Mafia, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 132332 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

“That’s sweet, Jiggy.” Shelby covers her ears with her hands. “Now, I don’t wanna hear nothin’ about any of y’alls’ willies ever again. Okay?”

“Yeah, and keep ’em in your pants.” I point to the ceiling. “I’ve been traumatized enough tonight by what I saw upstairs.”

“Good luck.” Sparky pops up from behind the couch and drapes his arms over the back of it.

“Damn!” Shelby clutches her chest. “You almost gave me a dang heart attack. What’re you doing hiding back there?”

He just gives us a goofy grin, then climbs over the back of the couch and drops onto one of the cushions. “Talking about where to park their willies is their favorite topic.”

“Jigsaw,” I say. “That was commendable, and we all appreciate you sticking up for us.”

He nods and winks at me. “I’m able to rise above my baser instincts to protect my family.”

“Dream on, Charlotte.” Steer wags a finger at me. “Jigsaw doesn’t want Shelby telling her momma about all the pussy he pulls.”

Shelby heaves out a long, dramatic sigh. “Not this again,” she mutters.

“At least you admit I get more ass than you,” Jigsaw says with a shit-eating grin.

“It’s just ’cause you look all broody and scary.” Steer slashes a line across his face. “They see your scarred mug and wanna heal you.”

Jigsaw grits his teeth, the first sign I’ve ever seen from him that the guys’ joking around has gone too far.

“That’s not cool, Steer,” I say, even though I know damn well I shouldn’t get involved.

“No, no,” Jiggy argues with exaggerated sarcasm. “Bullshit Bob is right. When I was a kid, I thought to myself, ‘Gee what will make the ladies drop their panties when I’m older? I know, I’ll slice up my face.’”

The sadistic smile slides off of Steer’s lips. “Sorry, bro. Charlotte’s right. That wasn’t cool.”

Jiggy stares at him for a second, as if he’s trying to decide if Steer’s apology is sincere. “All right, brother.”

Shelby leans against me. “Sheesh, what’d I do to that girl, anyway?” She nervously tugs at the bodice of her dress.

“Stop.” I rest my hand over hers. “You look adorable.”

“Damn her,” she says in a lower voice. “I packed on a couple pounds since being off tour. Now I’m gonna be all self-conscious about it.”

“Don’t you dare give her another second of thought,” I say in my sternest big sister tone. “You’re gorgeous, and she was just jealous all the attention wasn’t on her.”

“Yeah, you look a lot better with a few extra pounds on you,” Steer adds. He lifts his chin at me next. “You too, Charlotte.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Jigsaw snaps. “No one asked you.”

I blink and tug on my vest. Is it snugger than usual?

“Never fear, songbird.” Jiggy leans in close to us. “When I finally claim an ol’ lady, she’ll fit into the sisterhood. I don’t like catty ones.”

“I only like ’em if they’re using those claws to dig into my back,” Steer adds.

“Great, so glad you’re still here,” Shelby grumbles.

I wrap an arm around her and hug her closer, then squint at Jigsaw. “I seem to remember you moaning about Upstate infecting your charter with monogamy not that long ago.”

Jiggy’s face transforms into a wide, unashamed grin. “It’s possible I may have made such a statement in the past. But you can’t hold me to everything I’ve ever said.”

“No one has time to keep track of the shit that comes out of your mouth,” Steer says.

“What’s wrong, Shelby?” Serena asks, joining our group. “You look a little miffed.”

I move down to make room for her.

“One of the bunnies implied Shelby’s fat, and Jiggy kicked her ass to the curb,” Steer says.

“Thanks. Tell everyone,” Shelby mutters, tugging at her dress again.

Jigsaw slowly pulls a knife from a sheath at his side. He digs the tip against his index finger and spins it slowly. “If you’re tired of your guts being on the inside, just say so, brother.”

That finally encourages Steer to lift his big frame off the couch and melt into the crowd.

“Sorry I missed the fireworks.” Serena rests her hand on her stomach. “I would’ve aimed my puke stream at her.”

“Ewww.” Shelby giggles and tugs on Serena’s hand, encouraging her to sit with us. “Come here, little momma. How’re you feeling?”

“Like I just had my head in the toilet bowl for fifteen minutes.” Her gaze searches the room. “Have you seen Grayson?”

Jiggy jerks his thumb toward the war room. “He’s in there. You all right?”

“Better now.”

“Steer, Jiggy, get your asses in here,” Z thunders from the war room.

Jiggy snaps to attention and hauls ass to obey his president. Steer follows at a more leisurely place.

“His head’s halfway to Tennessee,” Shelby mutters as Steer closes the war room door behind him.

“You and Rooster thinking you might follow one day?” Serena asks.

Shelby’s wide eyes and dropped jaw suggest she and Rooster have discussed moving. Damn. That would really make things difficult for Z. Would Marcel have to move down there and help out again?


