Reckless Truths – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Biker, Mafia, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 132332 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

She laughs again. “Sheesh, you’re right. You’d bite the guys’ heads off if you had to tell them the same thing over and over.” More seriously, she adds. “I know I must be exhausting.”

My lips quirk. “Only in the best ways.”



“You’re not making me wear a suit for this, are you?” Murphy asks.

“To visit the funeral home?” Rock asks. “No. Wear your cut. He knows who’s investing in his place.”

“He’s okay with his friendly neighborhood MC taking over?”

I flick my gaze at Rock, who answers. “His father knew Ulfric and Whisper back in the day. He doesn’t have the usual civilian fears.”

Murphy grunts and adjusts his cut, stopping to peer in the mirror over the bar and run his hands over his beard and through his hair.

“Why are you primping?” I ask.

He slowly turns and fixes me with an incredulous stare. “This is a business meeting, no?”

My lips curl into a smirk. “Aw, did you want to wear a suit?”

“Fuck off,” he growls, stomping out of the clubhouse.

I’m still laughing when Rock slaps my arm. “Not today, knucklehead.”

“What? He knows I’m messing with him.”

“Let’s go.” He gestures toward the door. “Unless you want to fuck around some more. This is your deal, right?”

“Fine.” I hold up my hands. “I’m going.”

Murphy’s already in the garage, checking over his bike.

“You don’t want to take the cage?” Rock asks. “So we can discuss a plan?”

“We need a plan for this?” Murphy stands and wipes his hands off with a rag. He points to the overcast sky with hints of sun peeking from behind fluffy gray clouds. “We were caged in all winter. It’s halfway decent weather today.”

“Good point.”

“You fix that leak?” I ask Murphy.

“Coolant cap was loose. Should be good to go now.”

Rock grunts but holds in his thoughts on the V-Rod. It’s not like Murphy doesn’t have other rides to choose from. “Why not take your flashy Road Glide?”

“Nah, I’m not sure Slater County deserves to see it yet.”

Rock sighs and aims his impatient president face at us. “Can we move along?”

Rooster and Jigsaw’s bikes rumble into the parking lot, putting an end to our fucking around. They stop at the far end of the garage. Rock’s boots crunch over the gravel as he pivots in their direction.

For fuck’s sake, Rock. Who’s causing delays now?

Murphy smirks at me as if he’s thinking the same thing. But we wander over to join the chat.

“Hey, brother.” Rooster pulls me in and slaps my back. “Supposed to meet Z. He here yet?”

Rock tilts his head toward the woods. “At my house with the Hope, Lilly, and the kids.” He lifts his chin at Jigsaw. “Z looking for you too?”

“Nah, I just tagged along.” He slaps Rooster’s shoulder. “Don’t like my boy riding alone.”

Rooster rolls his eyes.

“You mind if I borrow him?” Rock asks Rooster.

“Not at all.” Rooster slaps his hand on Jigsaw’s back and shoves him forward. “All yours, Prez.”

Jigsaw frowns at Rooster, then turns and nods at Rock. “What do you need?”

“Ride with us. We’re going out to the funeral home, and I’d like another body with us.” The corners of his mouth curl up at the pun.

He can’t be serious. “Uh, Rock?” I tap his shoulder.

He throws me a shut-the-fuck-up scowl.

“Yeah.” Jiggy throws a look at Rooster who shoots a shit-eating grin and jogs into the woods. “Sure.”

“Thanks.” Rock turns and walks toward his bike.

I hurry to catch up with him. Behind us, Jiggy’s bike starts up again.

“What the fuck, Rock? Why do you want to bring Jigsaw in on this? You heard what Z said. I don’t need him trying to collect trophies from the corpses.”

He stops and slowly turns my way. “Are you questioning me?”

Behind him, Murphy silently laughs and drags a finger across his throat.

“Yeah, I am.” I throw my arm toward the clubhouse. “You just said it. This is my deal.”

“And?” He raises an eyebrow.

“I don’t want him scaring the shit out of old man Cedarwood.”

Rock flicks his gaze in Jigsaw’s direction. “Rooster wouldn’t risk taking him out on Shelby’s tours if he couldn’t behave himself. I want someone else we trust to have some knowledge about this business venture.”

“Then ask Z to come.”

“Z’s busy.”

“What about Dex?”

“Also busy. Crystal Ball needs his attention.” He cocks his head. “Jiggy’s a brother. He’s an officer downstate, not some hangaround. What’s your problem?”

“I already told you.”

“I’m gettin’ offended, Prez.” Murphy steps up to Rock and hooks his thumbs in his pockets, rocking back on his heels like a smug jackass. “The three of us aren’t enough to scare Marcel’s ghoulish pal?”

“He’s not my pal.” I grit my teeth. Why am I so bothered? Since Z took over Downstate, he and Rock have been running the two charters almost as one. But part of me still feels the years-long divide between the two clubs. The desire to shut out Downstate and keep our business a closely held secret is second nature. “You’re right,” I apologize.


