Rebellion – Cavan Gang Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 68102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

“Colm,” she said quietly.

“I think Sofia would have something to say about that.” Sacha crossed his arms over his chest. Then, to her shock, he winked at her. “Luckily, I will not make her choose. There will be rules, though.”

“What sort of rules?” Colm asked.

“Anything you see stays on the estate. It doesn’t go back to your boss.”

Shit. She glanced up at Colm, who was looking at Rogan. She hadn’t noticed the leader of the Cavan Gang step into the warehouse. But he must have given Colm the go-ahead as Colm nodded.

“Good. You will treat my cousin with the utmost respect and woo her.”

“Woo her?” Colm asked.

“You will take things slow. Date her. Pick her up and take her out. She needs romance.”

She never thought she’d hear Aleksandr say those words.

“Agreed,” Colm said.

“Very well. She will also live with me while this wooing commences.”

Sirens sounded in the distance.

“For now, we all need to leave.”


Sofia raced down the stairs as she heard the doorbell ringing.

Sacha appeared out of nowhere as she reached the bottom of the stairs, grasping her around the waist.

“Whoa. Slow down before you break a leg.”

“I’m fine. I’m good.” Her heart was pounding, though.

This was going to be their first real date. On their own. Leaving the house.

Colm had come to visit her here a lot. He’d bring breakfast, or dinner, depending on his schedule.

But tonight, he was taking her out.

This was also her first time off the estate since being kidnapped ten days ago. She was nervous and she thought Sacha might be too.

She’d promoted Bea, one of her bartenders, to manager at the restaurant. Bea had worked for her since she’d first opened Solynshko and she had always been amazing.

Everything seemed to be working out perfectly, even though Bea and Sacha did seem to butt heads for some reason.

“You could’ve tripped and fallen. And what about your back? You shouldn’t be running around with your sore back.”

“It’s all right at the moment.”

It was true. Her back was feeling pretty good today. Although she was certain that a fall down the stairs wouldn’t do her any favors.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Sacha asked worriedly. “If you’re not, then you should tell Colm you want to stay here.”

Yeah, she wasn’t the only one nervous about her leaving the estate. But she wasn’t entirely safe anywhere; that much had been made clear.

“I want to do this, Sacha. Honestly, I need to. I’m going a bit stir-crazy here.”

He gave a short nod. “Fine.” Turning, he strode to the door just as Colm started knocking again.

Her heart gave a small surge seeing him standing there. God, he was so gorgeous. And he was hers.

Sometimes, she woke up in the night after a nightmare and was terrified that she’d dreamed it all.

That Oleg wasn’t dead.

He is.

And Colm wasn’t hers.

He most definitely is.

“Not very patient, are you?” Sacha asked with a smirk at Colm.

Colm raised an eyebrow. “I thought no one was going to answer. You haven’t changed your mind, have you, lass?”

“What? No! Of course not. I ran down the stairs to get the door, but Aleksandr stopped me.” She gave her cousin a disgruntled look.

“You were running down the stairs?” Colm grumbled. “Why would you do that? What if you tripped and fell? What if you hurt your back?”

She sighed. “You two are more alike than you know.”

They glanced at each other with a frown.

“No, we’re not,” they said together.

She started giggling as their frowns grew fiercer.

“Come on, Mo leannan. We’ll discuss this further in the car.”


She didn’t like the sound of that.

“Wait. Where is your jacket?” Colm asked as she stepped around Sacha.

Another sigh escaped her. “It’s not cold.”

“It will get cold later,” Sacha said, grabbing a jacket from the coat closet. “Here you are.”

“But this doesn’t go with my outfit,” she protested. The jacket was really heavy and black. She was wearing a cute sundress with tan boots. Her denim jacket would look way better.

“Doesn’t matter,” Colm said. “It’s warm. That’s what’s important.” He put it around her shoulders, even though she really didn’t need it, and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Oh, that was nice.

“I want her back by ten,” Sacha said. “She needs her sleep.”

Ten? Was he nuts?

“I’m twenty-three. I don’t have a curfew.”

“You’re my baby cousin, so yes, you have a curfew. Ten. Or I’ll chop off your balls,” Aleksandr grouched, glaring at Colm before shutting the door.

“Urgh! The nerve of that man! I’m gonna go tell him that he’s lost it.”

“Leave it, baby,” Colm said. “Although he does seem extra grouchy at the moment.”

He led her toward his black car. She had no idea of the make. It was a plain-looking car, designed not to draw attention. But she bet it had all the same modifications as her vehicle.

Colm would always make sure she was safe.


