Rebellion – Cavan Gang Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 68102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

And slightly hard.

“I was delivering some clothes for Sofia when I came in to find Colm trying to rearrange the walls.”

Rogan’s gaze went to the fist-sized hole in the wall. Then down to Colm’s hand, which was hanging at his side. He knew Rogan would have noticed all that as soon as he came into the room without Miller pointing it out.

There wasn’t much that got past Rogan MacGuire. Then, his gaze slid over to the closed bathroom door.

“Sofia all right?” Rogan asked carefully.

Colm couldn’t help but bristle at the question. Would he allow her to be anything but all right?

It’s a fair question.

You haven’t protected her up until now, have you?


“She’s showering. She should be out soon,” he said with his hands clenched into fists.

“What’s going on?” Rogan asked, drawing Miller back against him as she tried to bend down and pick up the clothes she’d dropped. “Leave them.”

“But I should pick them up and fold them for Sofia. So they’re not all crinkled.”

“A thaisce, leave them,” Rogan replied firmly. “Colm will get them.”

Colm glared at Rogan.

“It’s his fault you dropped them.”

“Um, Rogan, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Colm is bleeding. I don’t want him bleeding on my clothes.”

“He’ll figure it out,” Rogan replied.

“He doesn’t really look like he wants to be folding clothes,” Miller whispered.

Colm knew that Rogan wasn’t happy about his obvious lapse in control.

That he’d let his hold on his temper go was bad enough. But to do it when Miller was around was the worst thing he could have done.

“I didn’t realize Miller was going to walk into the room.”

Rogan tilted his head, then nodded. “Sofia is close by though.”

Close, but not close enough.

“What happened?” Rogan asked.

Colm clenched his jaw. It wasn’t his story to tell.

“Something happened to Sofia?” Rogan guessed.

Colm nodded.

“He wants some time with Oleg,” Miller told Rogan.

She caught on quick.

“Fuck,” Rogan said.

“Tell me he’s still alive.”

“Yes, but I’m only keeping him alive for Anisimov. In case he has any questions for him.”

“I have questions for him,” Colm said.

“The way you look right now, I’m thinking he isn’t going to fare well during those questions,” Rogan stated.

Colm stepped forward, barely holding in his rage. “You care about his welfare?”

“Of course I don’t care about his welfare. But I’m keeping him alive long enough to answer any questions that Anisimov might have for him. Oleg worked in his restaurant. Dated his cousin. Aleksandr is going to have questions. But after that . . . if you wait, then I’ll let you have some time alone with him. All right?”

Colm ground his teeth together. He didn’t want to be reasonable about this. He didn’t want to wait.

But he knew that was the best offer he was going to get. So he nodded. “Fine. But I want my chance with him. I need it.”

“I can see that you do. Miller, maybe you’d wait for Sofia to come out and help her get ready. We’ll be waiting downstairs.”

Colm shot a look at the bathroom door. He wanted to be the one to help her. He didn’t really want anyone else around her.

However, he also knew that she likely didn’t want his help.

You scared her.

He’d never fucking forgive himself for that.

You’re going to have to slow down with her. The last thing she needs is you pushing her to do anything she’s not ready for.

Slow down.

Step back.

And wait.


Colm was so disgusted by her that he couldn’t even look at her.

Sofia hunched further in on herself, trying to protect herself from the pain. But the blow wasn’t physical which made it so much harder to keep herself safe.

She slid her feet out of her shoes. They were the only thing of hers that she was wearing; everything else was borrowed. Although someone had gone out to get her some underwear, at least.

She hadn’t bothered with the bra. She was smaller than Miller and there wasn’t much there to support.

Especially since she’d lost some weight.

After her shower, she’d stared at herself in the mirror, taking in the way her cheekbones were pronounced, her sharp collarbones, her ribs.

She’d lost more weight than she’d realized.

Miller had talked to her cheerfully as she’d gotten ready, but Sofia hadn’t been able to offer much to the conversation apart from the occasional nod.

She’d noticed the hole in the wall but hadn’t worked up the energy to ask. It was likely better that she didn’t know.

Now, she was sitting in the back of Rogan’s car while Cillian drove them. Rogan sat behind Colm, who was in the front passenger seat.

Colm turned as she drew her legs up to her chest. “Put them down.”

Shock filled her as she lowered her legs abruptly, wincing slightly.

Shit. What had she been thinking?

She’d just shown all of them a weakness. That she was feeling upset and unsure.

She’d given them something they could use against her.


