Rancher’s Little Lover Read Online by Jordan Silver Books Free

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24180 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 121(@200wpm)___ 97(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

I looked at her under cover of my lashes to catch her reaction to that. “Really, I’d be more than happy to look over your books for you Mr. Jameson.” Why the hell are my cheeks burning, all because one little girl had turned her sights on me? Or maybe it was the look in her eyes.

I swallowed hard before finding my voice and was thankful when it came out normal. What the hell is wrong with you Hawke? Get a grip before you embarrass yourself or worse yet, your son.

“That’s very gracious of you Lynette but don’t mind Sheila, I’m quite capable.” I didn’t look at her for too long because I didn’t want her seeing too much.

I did look at the other males in the room to see if any one of them were catching her scent. They all seemed preoccupied with the spread Sheila had laid out for them. How was it that I was the only one affected?

“Didn’t say you weren’t now did I, what with your fancy education and all. I just said you hated doing it. He’s done gone and become uncivilized after his many years here in the backwoods of Wyoming.” She sniffed and went back to stirring the lemonade she was making to go with lunch.

“If I give you a raise would you stop trying to embarrass me?”

“How much?”

“Greedy Sheila, I just gave you a raise last quarter.”

“Well then I guess I’ll keep talking.” Pain in the ass woman!

“On that note, I’m heading out. You kids enjoy the rest of your afternoon and I’ll see you all later.”

“Catch you later dad. I figure I’ll give everyone the day to rest up then tomorrow I’ll show them around the ranch. You don’t mind if we watch you with the horses do you?”

“No son, that’ll be fine. Okay then.” My eyes strayed to her one last time as I got my hat from the peg by the door and my insides seized when her eyes met mine. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the flirty little smile that flitted across her lips or the sudden gleam in her eye.



Wow! I kept my cool in front of the others but I couldn’t wait to get away somewhere alone to inspect this new development. I took a sip of the best lemonade I’d ever tasted and looked around the well-kept room.

The kitchen was cozy and homey if a bit large. The kind of place you read about in Home and Country magazine. Hanging copper pots, cast iron skillets on the wall and a hearth of all things that looked like it was actually used.

I tried to remember everything Garrett had told us about his life. His parents, his dad especially. I hadn’t paid that much attention in the past when we first met. How was I to know that I’d one day meet his dad and my body would go haywire?

No wonder I never had any interest in any of the guys my age who hit on me, and they were plenty. This was all so confusing. As a well-rounded kid with a psychiatrist for a mother, I knew I didn’t have a daddy complex.

My relationship with my dad was healthy and normal as far as I was concerned. So why this sudden attraction to a man twice my age?

He didn’t look twice my age to be fair. He looked more like a rakish twenty-something with that flock of jet-black hair and those hot flower blue eyes.

But it was the dimples in his cheek that made my heart beat faster. Those and the moustache; good grief. Even his voice had had an affect on me.

If it was just a plain old attraction I could deal. I know how to handle myself well enough when it comes to the opposite sex. But this one was trouble and I knew it.

From my first sight of him I got that sweet tingle between my thighs and my nipples started rubbing against the soft cups of my bra.

My body was in heat and that I didn’t know the first thing about. I’d never really had a full-blown goodness to gracious crush but something told me this was more than even that.

Like just now when he left the room, it was as if he’d taken all the air with him. I had the overwhelming urge to run after him, and this ache between my thighs just won’t quit.

Looks like it was time. All my friends had taken the plunge, some much earlier than others. I’d been holding out, I never knew what for, but now I do. It was him.

Though I’d never even known he existed, I was sure as the sun was high in the sky that he was the man for me. If I didn’t know it, my body sure as hell did. It hadn’t calmed down all the way yet.


