Rancher’s Little Lover Read Online by Jordan Silver Books Free

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24180 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 121(@200wpm)___ 97(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

His mother would've been so proud of our boy. It was times like this that I felt the loss acutely. She should’ve been here to see what her son had done with his life.

Whoever said time heals all wounds had never lost anyone truly close to them. Yes there were days you could go without thinking of the love you'd lost but even that made you feel guilt, the guilt of a survivor they called it.

I'm not a complete fool. I’d love to meet someone and fall in love. But I was afraid my once in a lifetime had come and gone. I’d had a few women here and there over the years to take the edge off, but nothing lasting.

And the one woman who had shown an interest here lately I couldn’t risk bringing home because my crazy housekeeper had promised to shoot her on sight.

"Okay enough of this maudlin shit Hawke, get your shit together." I pulled myself out of my musings and went over the books again. Things were in the black again this year thank heaven. With all the shit that had been going on lately both in the country and around the world everyday was a toss up.

That's why I'd made sure and socked some money away for Garrett's future as well as a little something for myself. If heaven forbid things should go south we'd be set for a good twenty years or so. That came from being frugal and putting away more than I'd spent over the years.

For the next few days I kept myself busy and out of the house since Sheila had lost her mind in a cleaning frenzy. You’d think the president was coming to visit the way she carried on.

The house was spotless and hot as the seven levels of hell with all the cooking and baking she’s been doing the last few days.

“Hawke did you get me them boysenberries I asked you to pick from the back forty?” I guess she didn’t have any problem asking me to go traipsing across the land in hundred-degree heat to pick some damn berries. Just to mess with her I told her I hadn’t.

“I got too busy, I don’t see why Garrett can’t get them himself once he gets here.” That got me a look that would curdle milk and I grinned and held up the basket full of the berries she uses to make my son’s favorite pie.

“Hand them over fool, I have to soak them in the sugar for a bit and my baby will be home soon. I want his pie nice and ready by the time he gets here.” I handed over the berries and got out of the way once she started muttering to herself.

It sure would be good to have Garrett here to take some of the heat off my ass. Not that she ever yelled at him, no she saved all her venom for me. And since she blamed me for packing him off as she puts it, I get to hear about it everyday.

I found some things to keep me busy the rest of the morning, willing the time to go by. Before I knew it I’d tamed one fractious stallion and made me a new friend. He’d only knocked me on my ass twice; I considered that progress. Yesterday he wouldn’t even let me near him.

I checked my watch when the day got to waning away towards noon. It would soon be time to go pick my boy up at the airport that was quite a ways out. A good two hours there and back. I felt pride and excitement as I headed back to the house to get cleaned up. It would be good to see my son again.



The airport was a maze of madness when I got there. I didn’t know that many people came through Wyoming on any given day.

I’d spent so much time on the ranch over the years that I’ve been a little out of practice dealing with large crowds. I’d got too used to my own company I guess because all these people made my skin itch to get back home.

There were times I’d been out on the range all night long on my lonesome and then when Garrett had got old enough and wanted to tag along with his old man he’d keep me company.

Those were the best times. Out in the open fields with the moon and stars above, the night sounds all around, and just me and my boy. Now my boy was becoming a man and one day he’d be doing the same with his sons because we’d built something here.

I wondered if he’d have changed much in the time he’d been away from home as I waited anxiously at the gate. I felt like a high-strung teenager as I waited for that first sight of him.


