Quinn Read Online Andria Large (The Beck Brothers #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Beck Brothers Series by Andria Large

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 57161 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 286(@200wpm)___ 229(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

“Damn, that was good,” Quinn said, breathlessly.

“Oui, it was,” Margot agree.

“We should do this every morning,” he murmured.

She giggled. “Oui, we should.”

Quinn sighed and lifted his head so he could look at her. He brushed the hair out of her face and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “Je t’aime, Margot.”

“Je t’aime aussi, Quinn.”


“So what happened after we left you and Margot at the restaurant?” Christian asked, using his putter as a walking stick as they made their way to the first hole.

Sebastian wanted to go play a couple of rounds of miniature golf, just the four of them, before the wedding later today. Quinn thought it was a horrible idea because every time they played miniature golf together, Sebastian would quote Happy Gilmore the entire time and really, Quinn was tired of hearing it. But he was here anyway because he loved his brothers, and…he didn’t have a choice.

“She dumped me and left,” Quinn said.

“What?” Sebastian squawked, his eyes wide.

“Wait, so that’s it? You two aren’t together anymore?” Christian frowned.

“Oh no, we’re together. I went over there and we made up,” Quinn smirked.

“You fucked her good, didn’t you? You sly dog you,” Sebastian grinned, poking Quinn in the stomach with his putter.

Quinn shook his head. “Dude, there is something seriously wrong with you.”

Henry barked out a laugh. “Isn’t that the truth!”

“You people know that shit already, it’s nothing new!” Sebastian exclaimed.

They all laughed.

“Seriously though, tell me make up sex is not the best thing ever. I really don’t think you can,” Sebastian smirked and elbowed Quinn in the side.

Quinn smiled. “Oh no, it is definitely the best thing ever, that’s for sure. And so were the three other times after that.”

“Awww shit!” Sebastian laughed and gave Quinn a few playful punches in the shoulder.

Henry and Christian just rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Sebastian was crazy, but that’s why they all loved him so much. At the first hole, Sebastian insisted that he be the first to go since he was the groom. He lined up his shot, trying to act as if he was a professional golfer before finally taking the shot. Annnd…of course the fucker gets a hole in one. God dammit! They were never going to hear the end of it. Sebastian hooted, hollered, and made a big scene before pretending he was Shooter McGavin; he made a gun with his hand and acted like he shot at the hole as he said ‘Shoota.’ Jesus Christ, this was going to be a long morning.

Quinn was ready to kill Adam Sandler by the time they finished the course, swearing that Sebastian said every line in the damn movie at least once if not twice. At least Quinn wasn’t the only one who had enough; Henry told Sebastian to shut the hell up, but Sebastian replied with ‘It’s my wedding day, I do what I want!’ in his best Eric Cartman impression, making Henry crack up and forget that he was annoyed.

After leaving the golf course, they headed over to the hotel room where they were going to get ready. It was right down the street from the wedding and reception. When they walked into the lobby, Claire and Margot were already there waiting for them. Raelynn wanted someone to watch over them to make sure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing. Raelynn was a smart girl, she asked Claire to do the job, and she recruited Margot this morning to help.

Margot looked stunning in a black and purple dress. The top half of the dress was black, with a sweetheart neckline that plunged deep showing off her very lovely cleavage. The sash around her ribs was covered in shiny silver beads and sequins, and the bottom half of the dress was a pretty lilac color, which puffed out like a prom dress. It was short, though, stopping about mid-thigh, and she had on seriously high black peep toe pumps that made her legs look fan-freaking-tastic. Her hair parted from right side but pulled to the left where it draped dramatically over her shoulder and curled into soft looking spirals. A purple flower behind her left ear added an elegant touch to the rest of her ensemble. With the addition of her beautifully done makeup and jewelry, she might just be the most gorgeous woman at the wedding...at least in Quinn’s eyes.

Quinn smiled wide as he approached Margot. Just as he pulled her into his arms and was about to kiss her, Sebastian’s voice interrupted him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck is wrong with your face, Quinn?”

He turned slightly to face his crazy ass brother and raised an eyebrow. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“There is something wrong with your mouth, I swear for a second there you were smiling, but I wasn’t sure. It kinda freaked me out,” he said deadpan.


