Queen of Their Colony – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102360 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 512(@200wpm)___ 409(@250wpm)___ 341(@300wpm)

“Yes, my Lady!” Tem groaned. “Oh Goddess…so good…so good!”

“You like that, Tem?” she murmured, feeling hot and sexy as she continued to stroke him. “You like it went I stroke your cock and make you come for me?”

“Yes, my Lady!” he moaned. “I…I love it! Love the feel of your soft little hands on me!”

“That’s good, Tem—that’s why you’re going to come for me,” Terra told him. “You’re going to give me a nice big load, aren’t you? After all, we have to get all those spoors out of you.”

“I…I’ll try, my Lady,” he groaned, pumping his hips in time with her stroking. “I swear I will!”

“That’s good, Tem—very good,” Terra purred.

“I’m close—so close, my Lady!” he moaned. “Where…where should I spurt?”

Terra started to tell him to spurt on the floor…when another idea entered her mind.

Shouldn’t do this! the little voice in her head warned her. But she was getting so hot and bothered it seemed easy to push that little voice aside and do what she wanted.

Reaching down, she pulled her panties to one side and stepped closer to Tem.

“What if I told you to come on my pussy?” she murmured, looking him in the eyes. “Would you like that, Tem? Would you like to shoot your hot load of cum right between my pussy lips?”

“I…I don’t deserve the honor of coming on my Queen’s pussy,” he protested, but she could feel his shaft growing even harder in her hand—clearly he liked the idea.

“You do if I say you do,” she told him, just as she’d told Rive to come in her mouth earlier. “I’m going to press you right against my clit and you’re going to come on it—come nice and hard to make my pussy all wet with your cum, aren’t you?”

God, she had no idea where this flood of dirty talk was coming from! She’d never gotten this naughty in bed with anyone before—especially not her ex. But there was something about the Monstrum warriors that just seemed to bring it out of her, Terra thought.

Without waiting for Tem’s reply, she stepped closer, spreading her legs wide and angling his long, thick cock so that the head of it was pointed right at her pussy. With her other hand, she spread her pussy lips wide, giving him the target of her clit to aim for.

“All right now,” she told him, holding his eyes with her own. “Come for me, Tem—come hard!”

With a low groan, the big Monstrum complied.

“My Lady…my Queen!” he gasped. “I cannot hold back! Even though I know it is wrong!”

And then he was coming—spurting jet after jet of hot cum all over her clit and the slippery inner folds of her pussy.

Terra moaned with the force of the spurts, which made her clit throb and tingle. She couldn’t help thinking that every human man she’d ever been with paled in comparison with the Monstrum warriors. Letting Tem shoot his cum between her spread pussy lips was almost like using one of those massaging shower heads!

But just as she felt she was getting close to coming herself, Tem gave a low groan and the last spurt left the tip of his shaft.

“Oh…my Lady,” he groaned, looking a bit shaky. “Oh Gods, I never could have imagined…”

“Imagined what? This?” Leaning down, Terra swiped her tongue over the head of his cock and then sucked it deeply for a moment, looking for the last little bit of his seed.

“Mmm, chocolate,” she murmured, rising to meet Tem’s wide eyes once more.

“My…my Lady,” he stammered. “You…you should not do such things! A Queen should not lower herself to taste the seed of a warrior of her colony except during bonding!”

“I told her the same thing.” Rive’s voice sounded distracted, but he was looking their way. “But she’s got a bellyful of my cum even as we speak. Truly, Terra has a mind of her own.”

“What?” Tem looked so shocked that Terra couldn’t help smiling.

“Don’t look so surprised—maybe I just wanted to taste you guys,” she told him. “The way you’re always saying you want to taste me.”

“But that’s different!” Tem protested. “A colony tasting their Queen’s honey—why nothing could be more natural. But the Queen does not generally repay the compliment, my Lady.”

“Well, this Queen does,” Terra said lightly. “I mean, not that I’m actually your Queen, but—”

“You’d better hurry with V’rone,” Rive said, interrupting her confusion. “I’m nearly done with the second to last equation. Once I put in the entire combination, we’re going to want to get from this world to the next as quickly as possible.”

“All right, I’m on it,” Terra promised. “But first…” She stepped out of her panties. Her pussy was still dripping from the big Monstrum’s cum and she didn’t want to ruin them completely. “Sorry Tem, but could you hold these?” she asked him. “At least until I get a chance to wash off?”


