Protecting Freedom Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23270 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 116(@200wpm)___ 93(@250wpm)___ 78(@300wpm)

I think about my dad’s old hunting cabin in Michigan. No one knows about it but us. Could I get her there in time? I know I could make it on my own without being caught. I’ve got exit plans everywhere I go. But since I met Honor I’ve had to think about it being two of us. And after what we did in her room, there might be three of us soon enough.

The door bursts open and in walks the president with July hot on his heels. His own Secret Service detail comes in, but he barks for them all to leave and close the door.

“Honor,” he says, and there’s relief in his voice that makes my chest tight.

I know he was worried that something could have happened to her, because I felt the same way. He looks over the top of her head and directly at me. He narrows his eyes, but July walks around him and comes over to where I am on the couch. I stand up and she holds out her hands, taking one of mine in both of hers.

“Thank you so much for protecting her. For keeping her safe when we couldn’t.” There are tears in her eyes as she turns and pulls Honor into her own hug.

The president walks over to me and I brace myself for his anger, but instead he holds out his hand. I reach for his and he gives me a firm shake before he lets out a sigh.

“Thank you,” he says simply, and I nod at him.

He steps back, and Honor comes over to my side and I put my arm around her.

“I did my duty to protect the daughter of the president, but I also did what I felt I had to because I love Honor.” She runs her hand down my back and it gives me the confidence to keep going. “I’ve loved her for a long time, but I didn’t touch her until she was eighteen. I waited because she means something to me.” I glance down at her and she looks up to meet my gaze. “She means everything to me. She’s my world.”

I hear sniffing and I look over to see July in tears.

“Don’t mind me. I’m just super hormonal because of the baby,” she says as the president turns and wipes away her tears. “You can’t be mad at them. They’re in love. It’s not their fault some asshole took pictures of them.”

“I know,” the president signs. “It’s just difficult to see pictures of my little girl like that.”

“How bad were they?” Honor asks, and I wish she hadn't. I don’t even want to know.

“You were both covered,” July rushes to say, then leans in closer to Honor and whispers. “It was pretty obvious what was happening, but there’s no way to prove it.”

Honor’s face turns about seventeen shades of red and I pull her closer to me. I hate that the world has seen those pictures, but it does mean that everyone knows she’s mine. So in a twisted way there’s some silver lining to this.

“What are your intentions with my little girl?” the president says, and Honor steps in front of me.

“I love you, Dad, but it’s time I made the decisions when it comes to my life.” My chest swells with pride as she takes my hand and lays down the law. “I’m going to hold off on college for at least a year. I want to weigh my options back in Tennessee. With Washington.”

The sudden image of her and me together on a farm riding horses and raising our kids begins to take root. I want it so badly I wish I could scoop her up in my arms and go run off and start it now.

July puts a hand on the president’s arm and nods. “I like the sound of that. We’re all out of here in six months, and I think I’d like nothing more than to raise your brother or sister with you nearby. We’ve got a lot of time to let this grow and plan the future.”

She looks up to the president, who presses his lips together but finally nods. “I know what you’ve done for me and what you’ve done for your country. You’re a good man, Washington, and I’m proud that my daughter chose someone like you.”

Having them accept our relationship makes this whole thing a lot easier. Now instead of my escape plan I’m thinking of land I can buy and how many acres we’ll need.

“Now I’d like to speak with the man who threatened my daughter,” the president says, and I nod as I follow behind him.

Honor and July stay in the office and security comes in to watch them in case they need anything. I follow the president down the hall and to the room where they’re holding Chad.


