Princess of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83520 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 418(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

When I’d jogged across the dunes to the house, a handful of guys were already gathering driftwood to use for the bonfire. It won’t be long before everyone heads outside for the evening. I’m sure other classmates staying at nearby houses will venture over.

Ever since I started at Hawthorne Prep, hushed rumors have swirled about how rowdy and out of control the annual senior camping trip can get. Since I want nothing to do with it, sticking close to Duke in order to avoid Austin and Jasper will be my best bet. As much as I hate the idea of dragging him further into my problems, he’s the only one I trust.

By the time I wash up and throw on a sweatshirt, the sun has dipped beneath the horizon. The house is oddly quiet instead of bursting with voices and noise. It would seem as if everyone has abandoned the structure in favor of the beach.

As soon as I step foot out the backdoor, music and laughter drift to me on the wind. The closer I get, the louder it becomes. Once I’ve crested the dune, my feet stutter to a gradual halt as I scan the area. While there are only about a dozen classmates staying at Kingsley’s, there have to be at least fifty people gathered around the orange flames. The scent of weed hangs heavy in the air. Everyone is dancing and drinking, living their best lives with abandon.

For just a moment, I consider retreating inside to the relative safety of my bedroom, unsure if I want to join the fray. My mind tumbles back to what happened the last time I was around these people in a party atmosphere. And that’s possibly drugged with hours of blank space that I’m unable to remember.

It’s a relief when I spot Duke in a sea of faces and make my way toward him. He’s talking with a couple of lacrosse teammates. Once I’m within striking distance, he slips an arm around my body and tugs me close.

Every so often, I notice him glance across the fire at Everly. I really don’t understand the issue between them. What I’ve noticed is that Duke deliberately goes out of his way to poke and prod at her. During the drive this afternoon, he was antagonistic and rude. She alternated between ignoring him and hissing like a pissed-off cat.

When his eyes narrow and muscles tense, I follow his line of sight and find Jacob Littleton talking with Everly. She flashes a smile as they flirt.

With a tilt of my head, I ask, “What’s your problem with her?”

His attention slides to me for a heartbeat before bouncing back to the auburn-haired girl. “There’s no problem. I just don’t like her.”

I roll my eyes.

Exactly who does he think he’s fooling?

“Yeah, you’ve made that completely clear. What I don’t understand is the reason for it. She’s super nice.” One of the few people who have been kind to me, and the fact that she’s friends with Summer makes her position more tenuous. It would’ve been so easy for her to jump on the other girl’s side.

But she hasn’t done that. She’s remained impartial, walking a fine line between the two of us.

Duke presses his lips into a tight line as he glares across the flickering fire. Rather than respond to my question, he mutters, “I don’t know what Littleton thinks he’s doing over there.”

Through the orange flames that twist toward the sky, I catch glimpses of their smiles. “My guess is that he’s hoping to get lucky.”

Duke’s upper lip curls as a crack of anger flashes in his eyes. “That’s not going to happen.”

“Oh?” My brows rise. “And why is that?”

“Because we’re shacking up for the weekend, and situations that include two dicks and one chick have never been my scene.”

I shake my head and suppress the smile that twitches around the corners of my lips. It feels so good to joke around and loosen up with someone. When was the last time I did that?

I can’t remember. It feels like forever.

“Do you want my opinion?” I ask tentatively.

“Not really.” Moonlight dances over his blond hair as he lifts a bottle of beer to his mouth and takes a swig.

With a shrug, I say, “Well, I’m going to give it to you anyway.”

He jerks a brow as his gaze lands on me. One side of his mouth hitches with a smile. I’m struck again by how good-looking Duke is. Especially when he loosens up, which doesn’t happen often.

It’s too bad. He would be so much more approachable if he’d stop scowling all the time.

“Then why did you ask?”

I roll my eyes and continue. “I think if you gave Everly a chance, you’d discover that she’s not the girl you think she is.”

All of his humor falls away as his jaw tightens and the muscle in his cheek tics a mad rhythm. “That’s doubtful. She’s exactly who I think she is.”


