Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“Touched me?” I echo. For some reason, the question doesn’t penetrate. “What do you mean?”

I’m transfixed by how the green flecks in his eyes darken. “Has he ever stroked his hands over you? Or kissed you?”

“No, I told you—we’re just friends.”

He continues to stare as if trying to work out a puzzle in his head. “Maybe he feels differently. Can’t say I know him well, but he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to involve himself in a situation if he doesn’t have a dog in the fight.”

Well…that’s probably true. Most of the time, Duke is an island unto himself. There aren’t many people he trusts at Hawthorne Prep.

My attention is drawn back to him when he shoves the material of my skirt up and brushes another kiss along my inner thigh. Not once does his gaze stray from mine as his lips inch upward.

“He was pretty quick to steal you away this morning. I didn’t like it. And I sure as shit didn’t like his hands on you either. No one touches you but me.”

When I remain silent, Austin’s teeth sink into the supple flesh of my inner thigh and a whimper escapes from me. I’m walking a fine line between pleasure and pain without any idea as to what side I’ll crash onto.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?”


“Good girl. For the moment, you belong to me.”

For the moment.

His hands slide around my hips before dragging my ass to the edge of the desk. My fingers grip the linoleum top, curling around the thick surface as he presses my thighs farther apart.

My gaze darts to the door as anxiety threads its way through my voice. “Austin, we shouldn’t. Not here.”

With a smirk, his attention settles on my panty-covered core. My face heats, knowing that he can probably see the growing wetness on the cotton. There’s no way to hide it.

“Fuck, I can smell you from here.”

When I attempt to close my legs, he forces them wider until my knees practically touch the desk.

His hot gaze fastens on mine again. “I told you that I’d be eating lunch one way or another, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.”

A ragged breath escapes from me. The most damning part—the part I’m loath to admit to even myself— is that it’s not just embarrassment eating me up alive.

It’s arousal as well.

So much that it feels like I could drown in it.

He has me splayed open on a desk in the middle of the afternoon at school. Ms. Pettijohn could return any second and find Austin’s dark head between my thighs. If I were thinking clearly, I’d shove him away and escape from the room.

But that’s not even a thought in my mind.

Not with the way he’s running his hands over me and pressing his soft lips against my naked flesh. The heady pleasure that follows in their wake is intoxicating.

Until this week, I had no idea it existed.

Now that the curtain has been ripped away, I want to experience more.

I want to experience everything.

His fingers dance over the thin fabric stretched across my core.

“So damn wet,” he mutters more to himself than to me.

My head spins as he strokes the material with careful fingers. A whimper builds in my chest before attempting to fight its way free. For a few seconds, I keep it trapped deep inside where it can’t see the light of day.

Where he can’t feast upon it.

That becomes impossible when he hooks a finger into the side and stretches it across my opening so that I’m bared to his sight.

“So fucking pretty,” he growls. The words vibrate in his chest, echoing throughout my head and the empty room. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about your bare pussy after getting a glimpse of it. Made my fucking mouth water.”

Those dirty words send a thick shaft of need straight to my core. When it bursts into flames, I spread my thighs wider.

With a tortured groan, he leans forward and his warm breath drifts across my aching flesh. As delicious as it feels, it’s nothing compared to the first lap of his tongue. The world goes dark as arousal explodes like a brightly colored firework inside my lower belly.

“Mmmm. You taste so damn good. Sweet. Like honey. I’m not sure if it’s possible to get enough of you.”

My muscles loosen as I sink into the sensation.

“You like that, baby? Does it feel good?”

“So good,” I groan.

There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to feel more of this.




I don’t care.

“You realize that I’m the only one who will ever be able to give you this, right?”

I truly hope that’s not the case. After experiencing something so amazing, how can I possibly consider going a lifetime without enjoying it again?

Unwilling to dwell on that disturbing thought, I push it aside and focus on the pleasure unfurling inside me as he licks from the bottom of my slit to the very top before circling the tip of his tongue around my clit. The sensations wreak havoc inside me, shattering everything I thought I knew. Any moment, I’m going to come undone, splintering apart into a million jagged pieces that will never be put back together again.


