Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“Excellent. Like I said before, you’ve been invaluable this year.”

“Thank you.”

On wobbly legs, I return to the desk and pick up my books before heading out. In the corridor, I pass Summer. We make brief eye contact before she shifts her attention away. It’s so tempting to pull her aside for a conversation, but I have no idea what to say or if she’d even believe the truth.

Her own brother thinks I’m a liar.

As soon as I escape school grounds at two o’clock, the worst of my anxiety drains away. Within minutes of pulling into Austin’s circular drive, I find myself on the front porch and ringing the bell. This time, the door immediately swings open. He doesn’t leave me waiting.

Of course his chest is bare. At this point, I wouldn’t expect anything less from him. The guy apparently has some kind of aversion to wearing clothes.

Not that I’m complaining. He’s like a Greek god carved from marble. I’d like nothing more than to pull up a chair and study every hard line.

“Let me guess, you haven’t showered yet?”

His lips lift into a slow grin. Even though I steel myself against it, the heated look that flashes in his eyes does funny things to my insides. It’s like there’s a swarm of angry butterflies attempting to fight their way free by any means necessary.

When he heads to the staircase, I don’t bother trying to talk him out of it. We both know it won’t do any good. This time, I follow closely behind, my gaze licking over his exposed skin with an unapologetic intensity.

The closer we get to his bedroom, the more excitement rises inside me. Once I cross over the threshold, he saunters to the bathroom as if taking a shower in my presence is a normal, everyday occurrence.

And strangely enough, that’s exactly the way it’s beginning to feel.

A week ago, I couldn’t have imagined any of this playing out.

Much like the previous two days, he doesn’t bother closing the door. The difference is that this time, I don’t bother looking away. Instead, I perch on the edge of the bed and watch as he strips off the shorts and boxers until he’s naked before reaching into the shower stall and turning on the water.

My mouth becomes bone dry as I stare, fascinated by the ripple of muscles and the tightly harnessed power lying beneath his skin. Once he steps inside the glass enclosure, the spell is broken and I force myself to look around the room, trying to find something to occupy my mind.

It doesn’t work.

I can’t stop thinking about him and shooting curious glances inside the fogged-up space. By the time the water stops running and Austin steps onto the bathmat, I’m a jittery, impatient mess. He grabs a towel from the silver rack before bringing the plush material to his face and drying it.

“I can feel your eyes licking over me,” he says, words slightly muffled by the material.

My heart skips a beat at being called out. It’s tempting to deny the accusation, but what would be the point?

He knows.

We both do.

When he lowers the towel, his gaze skewers mine. Instead of looking away, I force myself to hold his stare.

One brow lifts as his voice drops, becoming deeper. “Feeling bold, are we?”

I swallow past the thick lump that has lodged itself in the middle of my throat. Honestly, I don’t know what’s gotten into me this afternoon.

This isn’t me.

It’s never been me.

I’m a lot meeker.

I’m a look-before-you-leap type of girl. I’ve had to be. I can’t afford to make mistakes the way other people can.

But I don’t know…

There’s something about Austin and the way he watches me. It’s almost as if he wants to eat me up in one tasty gulp.

Then there’s the fact that my life has imploded and is careening out of control.

Maybe I’m tired of always playing it safe.

Being overly cautious.

Especially when he makes me feel things I never have before.

He holds out the towel. “Mind helping?”

I stare as the question circles through my brain.

I hear what he’s not saying.

It’s not a demand. He’s giving me a choice.

I could tell him to go to hell, but…

I don’t want to.

That’s all the encouragement I need to rise to my feet and close the distance between us before taking the plush material from his outstretched hand. A fresh wave of nerves skitters across my skin as he turns, giving me the broad expanse of his back. Without his gaze burning into mine, I can once again breathe.

I swipe the soft cotton across his shoulder blades. It seems like the safest place to start. Transfixed, I watch the beads of moisture disappear from his skin. Austin stands perfectly still as I lose myself in the task. Even through the towel, I feel the heat radiating from him in heavy waves.


