Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“So fucking pretty,” he groans before his mouth settles over my pussy.

That one soft touch is enough to leave me whimpering. Especially when he spears his tongue deep inside my opening before licking me from top to bottom and then back again. When he sucks my clit gently into his mouth, every muscle tightens as sharp tendrils of need curl in my core. A whimper slips free as I arch off the mattress. Unable to help myself, I widen my legs, needing to feel the firm pressure of his lips roving over every fragile inch.

“How will I ever get enough of you?”

I silently echo the sentiment. Not in a million years would I have suspected that physical intimacy could feel this amazing. He nibbles at my clit before licking along the length of my opening and spearing his tongue deep inside my heat.

“Such a sweet little pussy,” he groans before attacking my flesh.

Intensity gathers inside me like a storm as his dirty words push me over the edge. My body becomes whipcord tight as my inner muscles convulse and I find myself falling into an abyss of riotous sensation.

A scream wells in my throat and I slap a palm across my mouth to keep the sound trapped inside. My body writhes beneath him as his hands lock around my thighs to keep me firmly in place. It’s only when the aftershocks fade that he lifts his head and recaptures my gaze.

His tongue darts out to lick the shininess that coats his lips. “Fucking delicious.”

Even though the last remnants of orgasm have barely faded, his words bring a sharp ache of desire to my core.

His gaze stays locked on mine as he presses a kiss against my swollen pussy before rolling off the bed and rising to his feet. Before I can ask what he’s doing, his fingers grip the edge of his T-shirt and drag it up his sculpted chest. He discards the material before flicking open the button of his jeans and tugging the zipper. The denim is shoved down lean hips and thick thighs before he kicks it away.

That’s when I realize he isn’t wearing boxers.

Why that’s sexy as hell, I have no idea.

Even though it’s been less than thirty-six hours since I’ve seen him naked, I’m starving for the sight of him. With his sinewy muscles on display, he stills, allowing me to look my fill.

I can’t imagine any other man being this magnificent.

He’s gorgeous.

Utter perfection.

He keeps telling me how beautiful I am, but he’s the stunning one.

My gaze falls to his cock. It’s ridiculously long and hard. Standing to attention. The head is engorged, making it look even bigger and more intimidating. My mouth waters, remembering what it felt like to draw him inside me.

There were so many times when Jasper tried cajoling me into giving him a BJ and I always refused. The thought secretly disgusted me. I didn’t want him anywhere near my face. When his sweet words didn’t work, he’d get angry and become forceful. It’s a miracle I came out of that relationship with my virginity intact. I’m so glad that I did, because I couldn’t imagine this moment unfolding any other way than with Austin.

My tongue darts out to lick my lips as he steps closer. Unwilling to be a passive participant in this experience any longer, I move to the edge of the bed. When he’s no more than an inch away, I glance up until our gazes can fasten as my tongue flicks over the tip of his erection. A groan slides from him as his eyelids fall.

Inching forward, I draw his crown into my mouth. He hisses out a breath as his fingers tangle in my hair, holding me firmly in place. With a flex of lean hips, he slides deeper inside me. It doesn’t take long for his breathing to turn harsh as we fall into a steady rhythm.

Five more pumps and he pulls away.

When a sound of displeasure hums through me, he smirks and leans down, hands sliding over my cheeks. “The next time I come, sweet girl, it’ll be in your pussy.” He presses a kiss against my lips before nipping at them. “After that, we’ll explore your sucking abilities in more depth.” His eyes grow dark. “Watching my dick disappear between those pouty pink lips is hot as fuck.”


A groan rumbles up from his chest as he presses another kiss against my mouth. “Damn right I do.”

And then he’s setting me free and rising to his feet before kneeling on the mattress between my legs. His hands slip behind my knees as he pulls them up and forces them further apart. It only takes one arch of his hips until the head of his erection can slide through the wetness of my lips.

Sensation ricochets throughout my body as I shift, wanting to feel the slide of him deep inside my heat instead of merely teasing me with the tip. He stares at my core as he strokes his length against my sensitive flesh.


