Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

As I thumb through the pages and find chapter one, he scoots further up the bed until he’s able to fully stretch out. His hands get tucked behind his head. The movement makes his biceps swell and the veins running beneath his sun-kissed skin bulge, becoming more prominent.

It’s a challenge to not get distracted. After a quick mental slap, I refocus my attention and begin reading.

Just as I turn the page, he pats the space next to him. “Come over here.”

I shake my head. “No, I’ll—”

“If you don’t move your ass, I’ll be forced to retrieve you.” Even though he doesn’t budge from his spot, his deep voice holds the dark promise of a threat. One I know he’ll make good on.

Another burst of nerves explodes in my belly as I tentatively scoot backward until we’re side by side. We’re so close that the sleeve of my arm brushes against his bare skin. With a stack of pillows behind me, I sit ramrod straight as apprehension churns in my gut.

“Lay back. It’ll be more comfortable for both of us.”

I glance at him, prepared to argue. When he gives his head a slight shake, I snap my mouth shut and do as he insists.

My body turns rigid as I glance at him from the corner of my eye. “May I continue now?”

“Is there someone stopping you?”

When I bare my teeth, his lips quirk and a chuckle rumbles up from his chest.

“You’re adorable when you’re angry. Like a kitten with claws.”

I huff out an aggravated breath before finding my place again and focusing on the words. It only takes a page or two before I’m slipping inside the story and forgetting that Austin has forced me to lie beside him. As I start chapter two, I peek at him to see if he’s paying attention and find that he’s turned onto his side and has his head propped up on his hand. His concentrated stare leaves me mentally stumbling.

“Don’t stop,” he says softly. “Keep going.”

I clear my throat and refocus. Only this time, I’m unable to get wrapped up in the characters like before. I’m much too aware of Austin’s hot gaze fastened to me. It’s like a physical caress. I string together syllables to make words, but they don’t hold much meaning. Especially when he strokes the pads of his fingers along my bare thigh. When he reaches the hem of my skirt, he shoves the thick material up my leg.

My gaze jerks from the book. “What are you doing?”

“Touching you. It helps me concentrate. We’ll just think of you as my very own human fidget toy.”

“Are you being serious?”

“One hundred percent.” His expression remains solemn as his fingers dance along my inner thigh, forcing the fabric high enough to reveal my cotton panties.

His pupils dilate at the sight of them. When I attempt to smooth down the material, he slaps my fingers away.

“Ow!” I’m more surprised than hurt.

“Leave it.”


“But what?” His gaze flicks to mine, almost daring me to argue.

“You’re making me uncomfortable,” I blurt.


Nerves tremble in my belly.

Why do I need to explain this to him?

He shifts closer until our bodies can brush. “Are you sure about that? Because you seem to like the way I touch you. In fact, my guess is that I turn you on.”

Blood surges to my face.

He’s not wrong, damn him.

When I remain silent, unwilling to admit the truth, his gaze stays locked on mine as he reaches out and carefully strokes his finger along the seam of my pussy lips. A thin layer of cotton is all that separates my naked flesh from him.

The harsh intake of my breath gets trapped in my lungs. It takes a herculean effort to remain motionless when all I want to do is squirm beneath him. The blunt tips of his fingers hover over my clit before pressing insistently. His gaze sharpens as my teeth sink into my lower lip to stop the whimper from breaking free.

“You didn’t answer the question.”

Not once does he let up on the insistent pressure. The way he touches me is exquisite torture. Any moment I’ll burst from the pleasure that is attempting to swallow me whole. The sensations he’s carefully stoking to life are almost too much for the confines of my skin.

A quick search of my brain comes up empty. “Question?”

His lips quirk as a chuckle escapes from him. “Do I turn you on?”



“I’d prefer not to answer that.”

“Hmmm.” His expression turns contemplative. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“We should get back to work.” The way his fingers hover over me, assaulting my senses, makes it impossible to think.

“Remove the panties and you can continue reading.”

It takes a moment for his words to sink in.

“What?” My eyes widen as my voice rises with each syllable. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m as serious as a heart attack.”


