Primal – A Dark Alien Romance Read Online Loki Renard

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 55551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 278(@200wpm)___ 222(@250wpm)___ 185(@300wpm)

She smiles before she responds, before she’s even entirely awake, I think. The question makes her eyes spark with excitement, and I already know the answer.

Suli takes a moment to bury her face in a pillow, ironically taking a deep breath somehow into the soft surface, before pulling back again and answering me with an evasive question.

“Depends what the lesson is, I suppose.”

“Have you learned that I will hunt you down and claim you if you dare try to escape?”

“I got that idea,” she grins, her hips performing a no-doubt aching gyration beneath the blanket that covers her lower half but hides nothing from me. I know this woman in a way I have never known anybody. I feel my understanding of her deepening with every breath she takes. Humans betray themselves constantly, and though she has shown alacrity as a liar, I suspect most of her success has come because she is speaking to people who do not understand her.

I reach out and tenderly brush some of the curls out of her face. It is time to speak plainly. Though these feelings and this connection may have happened swiftly, they are very important. This is one of the few times I have had her in my presence while calm and chastened enough to take some information in.

“I don’t want you to leave, Sullivan. I have never felt the kind of mating bond with anybody else that I feel with you. It is not easy for an alpha to find his mate. It requires a strength and a softness not often combined. You are bold and you are brave, but you are also terrified and weak.”


I didn’t know what would happen when I woke up. I didn’t know if there would be fresh punishment, or if I would be roundly chastised. I did not expect a declaration of devotion from the alien I have been tormenting and defying since my arrival.

Usually, people who are crossed by me hate me instantly. By the time I’ve done as much property damage and caused as much chaos as I have already caused, they usually want me dead on sight.

It takes me a very long moment to collect my thoughts, let alone my feelings. I know I have never felt as cozy as I do right now, or as safe. Not just safe from the outside world and all the terrible things that could potentially arise in it, but from my inner demons. I feel as though I could curl up with him and never have to worry about my own wildness again. When I look into Thorn’s eyes, I see a possible future in which things are sane and safe — including me.

It’s an intriguing possibility, but it comes with a side of the new emotion that seems to accompany literally every thought I have — fear. I can’t let myself be captured and tamed this easily. I can’t just give into captivity. That goes against every single one of my principals, the few of them that are left. It also freaks me the hell out. I have been roaming this universe being generally awful for years now. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be terrible in one place with one person. It feels like that would be entirely odd and maybe even impossible for me.

Whatever this guy wants, it’s not me. He might be confused now, but I know better. People think I’m hot and exciting at first. That’s how I recruited most of my crew. But the appeal wears off after a while, and the attraction turns to disdain or worse. I don’t really feel like being abandoned by a saurian alpha in a few months’ time when he inevitably gets bored of me or irrevocably annoyed by me.

“I thought being terrified and weak would be a turn off for you.”

“No. Because I can then comfort you and look after you until you are brave and bold once more. And then I can hunt you down and bring you back from wherever it is you have run off to.”

“You’re not angry I ran, then.”

“Not at all. I enjoyed the hunt. And I especially enjoyed the capture. Reclaiming you publicly, making you come on my cock while everybody watched your sweet shame was a delicious adventure I would happily repeat.”

I find myself blushing but not disagreeing. It was incredibly hot to be treated in such a way, to be punished and cherished and displayed all at once. I can feel my pussy responding even now, tightening at the memory of having been ravaged so roughly.

I wonder if I really have a choice in staying and being his. It feels as though fate has wrapped itself around me and is holding me right where I need to be. Thorn has no intention of letting me go, and now that I’ve been caught, a second escape will not be easy. He reaches a strong, saurian arm around my waist and snugs me close to his body. I feel myself respond to his presence with a rush of arousal that brings me deep pleasure and even more anticipation. Being around Thorn is like being attached to a machine that produces nothing but excitement and need. It’s like having a chip in my head, but the chip makes me want to be fucked.


