Primal – A Dark Alien Romance Read Online Loki Renard

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 55551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 278(@200wpm)___ 222(@250wpm)___ 185(@300wpm)

And then the thoughts stop, and the experience continues, rolling on through my body, his cock pushing inside me with wave after wave of fresh sensation. His claiming happens over and over, every new stroke an entirely new seal of possession until orgasm comes upon me like a storm, erasing all the pain of the punishment, all memory of transgressions. There is only pleasure. There is only connection.



I feel as though I have dealt with the human thoroughly. Unfortunately, that is not as widely shared a sentiment as I might like. Those who are not privy to the behind-the-scenes encounters and who do not see how she softens for me, and how she submits to me when I command it, no doubt still imagine she is dangerous.

“Justice has to be done, Thorn.”

“I know.”

“Rumors are swirling that a small invasion happened last night. There’s a steady stream of saurians going out to visit the Ground Bar, to look at the carcass of the beast we slew. Conjecture is rife, and the fact that you have a human prisoner is also known.”

My council is looking at me with grave expressions. I would no doubt share their mood if I did not know that I have the creature responsible very much under control.

“I do have a human prisoner. A female. We all know this, you all met her last night and aided in her capture. She has since been discovered to be carrying technology that altered her mind and caused her to act in a reckless manner. I have deactivated this technology…” There’s no need to mention that I did it accidentally with my cock. They may as well believe that I have ability in such matters. Half of being alpha is appearing to know more than others know and being able to do more than others do.

“She is harmless,” I finish up. “Truly nothing anybody needs to concern themselves with. Let the people visit the bar and the carcass of the beast. Let them see the spectacle. Our world is a strange one, and the universe outside it is stranger still.”

The men exchange looks.

“Out with it. Say what you want to say.”

“There was the time you wanted to keep a miniraptor as a pet,” Karn says. “And you said much the same thing about that creature until it began to consume smaller, weaker guests to your home. I am concerned that a similar impulse is at play. You have always had a soft spot for dangerous things, and even more than that, small things. You love to bring all creatures under your command. That’s your alpha instinct. You can’t help it. But it does mean that sometimes you make the wrong decision. That’s why you convened a council. So we could advise you.”

“Do you want to see the human for yourselves? Make your own determination as to how dangerous she is? Suli! Come here!”

Suli looks suitably overawed as she steps into the room. She is wearing a simple white shift dress which comes down to mid-thigh, exposing the soft curve of her legs. She is quite a sturdy little thing in her own right, the roundness of her thighs, rear, belly, and chest giving her a sweet and appealing appearance. She looks like many things, but not one of them could be considered dangerous.

I see the council exchanging looks. They saw her last night, but last night she had a mad, reckless energy and a suit full of tricks, and in the strobing lights of a car chase she may very well have appeared larger than life.

Seeing her now, creeping barefoot into a room full of apex predators, her eyes hold that softer, haunted, hunted look that makes her seem like natural prey.

“Come here, Suli,” I say, crooking a finger at her. She gives me a brief glance before her eyes go back to roaming the room again, staring at each of my council with an increasingly concerned expression. We do make for an imposing collection of saurians, representing all the main phenotypes. Avel is here, back in the corner with his wings wrapped around him. Cirrus is also an aerial saurian with black wings and dark hair, his sky-blue gaze locked firmly on Suli.

Many of them are seeing her properly for the first time. Their gazes are a mixture of stern interest and reluctant appreciation. She is rather cute, especially with her hair curling into her eyes and somewhat covering her face. There’s nothing threatening about her whatsoever.

“This is what you are all so concerned about,” I say, pulling her close once she gets in arm’s reach. The motion makes her hem ride up over her haunches, exposing her hot red rear and the various little marks left from my punishment. “This sore bottomed, sorry, chastised, scared little human female. This is what has you baying for justice and imagining that we are at great risk.”


