Prick Charming Read online Madison Faye

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 44113 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 221(@200wpm)___ 176(@250wpm)___ 147(@300wpm)

“Pleasure, Your Highness,” Prince Thomas beamed at me, bowing curtly as he took my hand. He was handsome, for sure, but in that sort of plastic Ken-doll way — his skin too smooth, his smile too practiced. His hair too perfect.

“Prince Thomas.” I forced a smile back.

“And you are so much lovelier in the flesh, I must say.” The prince beamed, and I felt my mother squeeze my arm.

“I met Prince Thomas through some of my business dealings a month or so back, and, well—” my father turned to smile broadly at me. “I think the two of you will find you have a lot in common!”

Something started to tug at me inside — something about this whole little meeting that was rubbing me the wrong way.

“I’ve been eager to meet you ever since your father told me about you, Faith.”

“Well, that’s…” I forced a smile. “And, uh, same?”

Prince Thomas laughed this hearty but totally fake and plastic sounding laugh that was basically the polar opposite of Cole’s warm, natural chuckle that always had this edge of something naughty in it.

“Well, we’ll just leave you two alone now won’t we?” my mother said eagerly.

I frowned. “Oh, I, uh. I actually need to get back to Callie for—”

I started as Prince Thomas took my hands in his, glancing quickly at my parents to see them beaming away before they turned and scurried away.

What the hell was going on here?

“You know, Princess, I think a wedding is a fine place for our first meeting, don’t you?”

“Uh, sure?”

“Makes you wonder what ours may end up looking like, doesn’t it?”

My full and undivided attention suddenly snapped right to him.

“Excuse me?”

He grinned. “Our wedding, Princess. Not today, of course,” he chuckled like he’d just said something hilarious as I stood there feeling a numbness creep over me.

“But soon, I should think. Yes, your father has told me all about your desire to find a good match, and I think our two families would make a fine union, don’t you agree?”

Holy. Shit.

That’s what this was. This was my parents setting me up for some sort of arranged marriage bullshit, like Callie to King Milton. And they’d walked me blindly right into it like a trap. Anger flashed inside of me, and I felt my jaw clench tight.

“I’m sorry, Prince Thomas,” I said shortly. “But I’m afraid my parents may have led you to believe—”

He laughed, and my brow furrowed deeper.

“Ahh yes,” he laughed again. “Your father did tell me about that famous Faith wit!”

Wit. Yeah, no, try indignant fury.

“Prince Thomas, I’m sorry, but I really do have to get back to—”

“You know a good wife stays by her husband’s side at these sort of things.” The prince’s warm, smiling tone suddenly turned colder. “ It’s unseemly for a girl such as yourself to be wandering around such an event by herself inviting all manor of attention.”

My brows raised. Okay, who the hell did this guy think he was? And what century did he think we were in?

“Nice to meet you, Prince Thomas,” I said coolly. “But I have to go now.”

I turned, when suddenly I gasped as I felt his hand close on my wrist.

“Your father and I have an arrangement, your highness,” he said coldly. “And that arrangement involves you on my arm right now.”

My temper flared. “Well I’m afraid to say I’m not a fucking door prize,” I hissed.

The prince’s eyes narrowed at me as his brow furrowed and his grip tightened.

“That is not the sort of language I’ll expect from a wife!”

“Well then find one with nicer language!”

I went to yank my arm out of his grip, but he held me fast, his face darkening.

“Oh, Princess, I believe I’ll enjoy breaking that sass of yours once we—”

“How about I break your fucking face instead?”

Thomas and I both whirled at the sound Cole’s deep voice, and I felt my heart jump into my throat as heat bloomed through me. Cole’s face was dark, his eyes flashing fire as his jaw ground tight, glaring right at Prince Thomas.

“I beg your pardon, but the lady and I—”

“The lady and you aren’t doing fucking anything,” Cole hissed. “Now take your fucking hand off of her.”

Thomas snorted, wrinkling his nose as he glanced disdainfully over Cole’s tattoos peeking out from under his, I have to say, hot looking suit.

“It’s Prince Cole, isn’t it?” Prince Thomas smirked. “I’m amazed they even let you into this event.”

“Oh, Prince Thomas,” Cole smiled dangerously at him. “It would shock you where else I’ve gotten into recently.”

He winked at me, and I felt my whole face turn bright red, even as I grinned at him.

Prince Thomas bristled, glancing at me and then back at Cole as his eyes narrowed. “Sir, kindly take your eyes away from my—”

The prince gasped this high pitched sound verging on a shriek as Cole shoved him back and yanked his hand off of my arm.


