Pretending I’m Yours – Forbidden Billionaires Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90899 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 454(@200wpm)___ 364(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

Twyla: Aw, well shit. Now I’m getting choked up. You just warmed my jaded heart. For real. I hate that!

Anthony: I’m sorry.

Twyla: No, I’m sorry. I feel terrible about putting you in this position. Both of you. Let me see what solutions I can come up with. I’ll chew on it and get back to you as soon as I can.

But in the meantime, just try to enjoy yourself, okay? You deserve some fun in your life and so does she. You don’t save up the kind of cash this woman has saved working at a rental management company without busting your ass and cutting back on everything but the bare necessities.

She sacrificed for this experience and she deserves a beautiful one, whether it ends with the two of you giving a relationship a try or not. So, don’t ruin it by running away tonight, okay? Or tomorrow. Or the next day. Just hang tight, have an amazing time, and I will do my best to come up with a seamless transition strategy by New Year’s Eve.

You’re coming to the party at the club, right?

I told Maya I included a ticket for both of you with her fee.

Anthony: We haven’t discussed it.

Twyla: Discuss it. And make plans to be here. That way I can help massage the situation in person, and you’ll both be guaranteed a fabulous New Year’s experience! Not to brag, but my parties are pretty epic.

Anthony: No offense, but I don’t like the idea of sharing Maya like that. I like to keep my sex life behind closed doors.

Twyla: Then you guys can stay upstairs, Mr. Prude. Or book a private room. People make sacrifices to the dark lord for these tickets, Anthony, and you’re getting one for free. Don’t look a fairy godmother gift horse in the mouth. And don’t make it harder for me to help you solve this problem.

Anthony: Fine. I’ll discuss it with her.

Twyla: Good. Now, go have fun. I’ll reach out soon, but right now I have to tell the king of some country I’ve never heard of that he can’t bring armed guards into my establishment tomorrow night. No guns allowed. Not even for royalty.

Anthony: Good luck. And thanks. I appreciate the help, even if you are the one who got me into this mess in the first place.

Twyla: I also apparently introduced you to the love of your life, so…I’m still the best. Later, friend!

The love of my life…

I don’t know if that’s true, but I can’t deny that I can’t wait to get back downstairs. Even ten minutes away from Maya feels like an intolerable depravation.

The thought of never seeing her again because she’s decided to hate me for being a dirty, rotten liar is deeply disturbing.

I sink onto the bed, running a hand through my hair. Through the tinted glass windows, I see snow starting to fall again. We haven’t gotten this much snow in December in years. The city has grown so warm over the past decade that there have been times when the parks couldn’t keep the outdoor ice rinks frozen.

But all of a sudden, it’s like climate change decided to take a year off and give us all that white holiday season we remember from when we were kids.

The city looks magical, the way it did last night when everything still seemed possible.

The sound of Maya’s laughter drifts up the stairs—she must be playing with Pudge. It’s a sweet sound, genuine, just like everything else about her. Maya is just Maya, boldly, bravely herself in a way so few people are. In a way I appreciate so fucking much. I don’t want to play any part in teaching this kind, genuine woman that it isn’t safe to be open and trusting.

She deserves the truth from me and one hell of an apology.

But she also deserves that stress-free, sexy good time she paid for.

I’ll have to find a way to walk the line between truth and fiction, and hope she’ll forgive me when I finally come clean.

“Or I could ask her to run away to an island off the coast of Greece with her male escort and never come home,” I murmur, the thought more than a little tempting.

But I’ve learned my lesson from my impulsive break from my company. Running away has only created more problems. And I don’t really want to run away with Maya. I want to welcome her into my life and maybe even…build a life together.

It’s crazy, but I’m already there, already dreaming about a future with this woman.

But when I get downstairs to find Maya lounging on the couch in the living room in a silky jade robe that hugs her curves, it feels less crazy.

I mean…fuck. She’s stunning, from the tips of her toes to the mischievous smile curving her lips as she looks up from the copy of Sense and Sensibility she’s pulled off the shelf.


