Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

“Royce, shut up. You sound like a tea kettle, and it is really pissing me off. Just drive.” Well shit. I am at a loss because I don’t know how to help so I simply just tell her the truth.

“I love you baby. It will all be worth it when we meet our baby girl.” For the first time since this started, she smiles at me.

“I know you’re right, Royce. But fucking shit this hurts.” Another contraction hits her, and I simply try to get us there faster.

Once we get there and they put her into a room, I sit next to her giving her ice chips and just kissing her head. I tell her how great she is and how beautiful she is. Finally the doctor comes in, checks her and announces we are ready.

I call my parents so hopefully by the time they make it she is already here. They usher me to the back to put on my scrubs and then we are off.

For twenty minutes my wife pushes and breathes. When the doctor says she can see the head I move down between her legs and damn near cry. “Baby I see her. She has a head full of hair already. Holy shit, Mari I see her.” I move back to her side and grip her hand. “Just squeeze me baby and look at me. I am here. Let’s do this together.” Nodding and crying, she gives it another three pushes and then there is wailing.

“Royce. Oh God. We did it. We did it.” Leaning over, tears coming down my face, I kiss the bravest woman I know and agree.

“We did it baby.” I want to go see what they are doing but I am not leaving Mari’s side. Finally the nurse hands her to me.

“Here you go, daddy. Nine pounds and nine ounces. You got a beautiful, chunky baby girl.” My arms shake as I move her to Mari and put her in her mama's arms.

“She’s beautiful,” Mari says, checking her fingers and toes.

“She is baby. She really is.”

“Hi baby girl. I am your mama, and this is your daddy. We have been waiting to meet you.” Jesus, I have a family. My mind is still trying to catch up when she looks at me. “Are we keeping the name we chose?”

Slowly taking her from Mari, and walking around the room bouncing her in my arms, I nod my head. “Welcome to the world Rae Moon Horace.” Walking back over to my wife, I hand the baby to her so the nurse can show her how to breastfeed. Rapt with fascination, my heart is overflowing with love and devotion for the two ladies in my life like it always will be. Forever.




Are you sure you want to do this, baby? We can turn back at any moment. "He has no idea how many times I have had that same thought over and over for the last month that we have been planning this.

Currently we are in Santa Monica, California driving a rental car to go and visit my biological father. I know what you’re thinking: ‘is she popping up on him?’ that answer is no.

We began communicating about 2 months ago when I got the courage to call him. I will never forget that first phone call.

“Thank you for calling Hoffman Industries. How can I assist you?”

“Uh yes. Can I speak to Mr. Hoffman?”

“I’m not sure he is available. Who may I say is calling?”

“My name is Mari Madison.”

“Hold please while I see if he is free.” I am sitting on this phone freaking out; not sure I want to do this. I mean how do you tell a man that you are his long-lost daughter that he may or may not know exists? I am just about to hang up when a man with the deepest voice I have ever heard answers.

“This is Mario.” Holy hell. Oh my gosh. I can’t do this. What was I thinking? “Hello.” Royce puts his hand on my knee and nods.

“Yes I’m sorry. My name is Mari Madison. You don’t know me, but I believe you knew my mom about eighteen years ago.” He says nothing at first and then clears his throat.

“Was your mother by any chance Riel?” My heart begins to go crazy. He remembers her.

“Yes. She is.”

“May I ask why you are calling me?” Shit. A frog is caught in my throat, and I think I am about to vomit, but I have come this far so…

“Well, I have been searching for my birth father and the DNA results say it is you.” I am not going to bore him with the details unless he asks me for them.

“And how would DNA tell you anything when you don’t have my blood sample?” Well, I guess we are talking about this.


