Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

I remember my mind running through the summer, looking for clues other than lately, words I missed, actions I overlooked. How did I miss this? Pushing against him, I tried pushing him off me, begging him to let me go. When I tried pushing once more, my nail scratched him by accident, he cursed and before I could see it coming, his fist landed on my face.

That blow knocked the air from my lungs, but he took me home. The rest of the summer was more of the same. He would apologize and bring me flowers and then a day or two later or even the same day I would end up hurt and sobbing. I have had a bruised rib, a black eye that kept me in the house until it turned yellow, and I could cover it with makeup, a bloody nose and constant humiliation because I won’t sleep with him.

Finally, one morning before school when he showed up at my house and ripped my clothes, forcing me onto my bed, my mind flashed to how I was so stupid and let this happen. He had just managed to rip my panties down when my mom and some guy showed up. She heard me scream, rushed into my room and made him leave. That was the day I decided I was done.

It has been a few weeks since I have heard from him. I am finally starting to breathe and looking forward to the rest of the year. Roxy’s scratchy voice in my ear makes me giggle.

“Stop what? You’re an angel. Any guy would be lucky to have you.” I blush at her complement not realizing that Royce has moved close to me until I hear him grumble something that sounds like ‘not any guy’. I look toward him unsure if I made it up, but his eyes tell me I didn't.

Lately, things between us have been thick and deliberate on his part. Like me behind the bar grabbing a sprite or a spritzer for a customer when the bar is busy and somehow he will end up behind me, caging me in before I can turn around. Most of the time he is whispering in my ear how good I smell or how soft my hair is. Goosebumps are my new normal when I am around him and to be honest, my wet panties are also normal now.

A few times he let me know he was only giving me time. That always makes me swallow and my knees wobbly. Royce is a good guy though. You can look at him and tell he comes from a nice family, from the good side of town and is going somewhere.

One of the few times we managed to have a normal conversation he told me how this was temporary. Apparently he also works for his mom’s restaurant and last year he was the night auditor for a hotel. He says he is in college for hospitality management, and he has to know how all aspects of tourist destinations work.

Enviously I listened to his plans for the future, envisioning myself doing something similar, getting away from this town and having a plan, a destination. Would it be silly if I told you I pictured being with him when he did it? Then I snap out of it. His future looks great and some girl from the trailer park with a drunk, coked out mom and no chance of going anywhere but maybe two towns over to start over, would only ruin it.

“WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?” My body immediately tenses up when I hear the voice I was starting to forget.

“Oh no,” I cry out to myself. The day I broke up with him I told Benny the owner and he banned James from the bar. I thought I was safe. Heck to be honest I was shocked he hadn’t accosted me after work so far.

“MARI!” he screams, knocking stuff off of the tables. I am so scared right now that I am paralyzed with fear, not sure what to do when Royce moves in front of me.

“Hey asshole!” he yells at James. “I thought they told you not to come back here.” He is standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

James ignores him and I know the moment he sees me. “There she is,” he slurs, obviously drunk. “The little cock tease who won’t put out.” I flinch hearing his description of who I am.

“Hey! Fuckface, address me,” Royce says moving closer to his face. “She doesn’t exist for you anymore.” My eyebrows raise at his apparent lack of fear where James is concerned. Come to think of it though I can see why. Royce has about a good six inches on him and at the very least fifty pounds of muscle.


