Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

“Hey boss, Hanna and Taylor are fighting over table 10 again.” Jesus these girls.

“Give table 10 to Micah and tell them both to go home and get their shit together.” I don’t have the tolerance for this today.

“You got it,” Duke says, walking away.

Today started off like any other day. I woke up with my girl in my arms and my daughter between my hands and my mouth between her legs and ended the morning routine with my cock buried in her hot cunt until she screamed my name and fell back asleep. That is what makes my day great.

Most of it stayed normal until I received this text.

Wife: Royce I think I am going to go home for a few days. I haven’t been there much in the last month, and I need to check on my mom.

Me: You are home, Mari. My house is your home. You and my daughter belong wherever I am.. Your mom is a grown woman. She can take care of herself.

Wife: I’m not saying that, but it's not my home it is your parent’s home, and I feel bad like I am taking advantage of them. Maybe you can come to my house a few nights a week.

That pissed me off. Why the fuck would I come stay there with her mama and whatever drunk asshole she brings home? That is nowhere safe for her or my unborn child to be. I of course said exactly that to her to which she replied:

Wife: That really hurt Royce. I know you have a point but…you know what never mind. I will be at my house tonight. Talk to you later.

That stung but I had it coming and since I am working and can’t take off right now, I am at work brooding, pissed and irritated at any and everything and everyone.

The rest of my shift goes by fast since I pulled a split one. I left in the middle of the afternoon for two classes and came back. My mom often asks me to work double shifts when I don't have my other job as a bartender.

Clocking out after getting the overnight manager situated, I pull up my phone and note she hasn’t texted me since her last one and that is not settling well. Not only am I feeling like a piece of shit for making her feel bad, but I am also worried about her in that place. During this last month she has told me about the abuse from her step-father, then James and finally the few times she had to step in-between her mom and one of her boyfriends. The last one being while she was pregnant right before she was given back to me. Needless to say it left a bad taste in my mouth and left me on edge about their safety.

Not giving it more than a few seconds thought, I rev up my engine and drive toward her part of town. I am not going to bother calling or telling her I am coming. Fuck that shit. There is no place she and my kid are that I will not be welcome even if I'm not.

Pulling up, I note there are no other cars which allows me to exhale. Parking, I ring the doorbell several times in succession impatiently to get not only my eyes on my woman and child but my hands, mouth and dick. Seconds later I hear the locks click and I am further pissed she didn’t ask who it was.

“Royce what…” her eyes widen when she takes in my tense expression. Words are unnecessary distractions right now. Putting my hand against her throat, not aggressively but enough so that she knows I am feeling possessive and tense. She begins to walk backwards against the wall.

“Did you think that would be the end of it, baby? Did you think the conversation was over?” Her pulse jumps up when I lean into her and sniff her neck. “You showered, didn't you?”

“I-yes,” she swallows. Her pupils begin to dilate because she knows my rule about showering my scent off when I am not around to put it back.

“So, you thought today was the day for you to turn into a brave girl huh. Push your man’s buttons and walk around town without my jizz inside of you. Was that your plan baby?”

“No, I just…” Grabbing her hands I yank her closer to me.

“You think you can hang up on me, ignore my calls and not have to answer for that? That’s not good girl behavior is it, Mari?” She licks her lips and shakes her head no. I have noticed lately that when I call her a good girl or chastise her, she gets hornier. “So if that is not what you were thinking than I have to surmise you just liked fucking with me and having me lose my damn mind. You wanted me to come here and fuck you until you apologized and took this fucking punishment like a pro. Is that what you were chasing?” She shakes her but the way she is biting her lip tells me something different.


