Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

“Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you too much did I?” He moves my matted hair from my face and leans in to kiss me. His eyebrows show concern, and it is not something I am used to seeing. “I waited so long for you,” he whispers against my lips before asking me once more if I am alright.

“I am fine. Tired, but perfectly fine,” I tell him running my fingers over his chest. My heart is fluttering at the reverence in his voice. But I have to admit, now that all the excitement has died down, I am finding confusion as part of my emotions. I have so many questions, but first, I am going to enjoy laying in his arms. Too bad I can’t stay in them forever so right now; I am going to fall asleep feeling safe for once in my life.

That is short lived. Waking up I roll over not really expecting him to be here, but still

looking at the sheets and seeing the evidence of what I did, I can’t find it in me to regret it. I am shocked however when I look at the nightstand and there is a note there.

My good girl,

I am sorry to leave before you wake up, but I have to get to class and then to work. I will be back here tonight to take you out and tell you what happens next. This is not over, beautiful. It never will be. Thank you for your gift and I will be good to you.


Oh my god. He wants to see me again. I want to jump up and down and I almost do but then my mom comes in yelling. “Pack your shit Mari. We have to be out of here.” I walk into the kitchen so confused.

“What’s going on?” She looks scared.

“Manny is pissed. He found out I took his drugs.” I gasp, shocked at her confession but more worried about where we will go and how Royce will find me? We exchanged no information. At least we work together.

“Where are we going?”

“To the other side of town to stay with Carmen. You are going to have to quit your job by phone. Luckily he thinks you have already graduated high school,” she says frantically putting stuff into bags. “Great. This is going to turn out well.” I say to myself sarcastically. I should have known it would never turn out good for me. But at least I had last night.





“Hello, son, are you with me?” I jerk out of my thoughts and give my mom an apologetic look. I haven’t been myself in months. Not since my beautiful girl up and disappeared. I went back to her house that night to exchange phone numbers and anything else we needed to keep in touch when we couldn’t be together, only to find her trailer empty except for the furniture.

I drove to the restaurant to find her, but they said she quit over the phone. The boss gave me her last name but that won’t do me any good without knowing other information. He did tell me about her mom and the mess she is. He says most likely they pay in cash and no paper trail. He also gave me her number and surprise-surprise, it is disconnected.

So, now all I can do is sulk and think about how sexy she was, how perfectly her pussy fit around my cock and how much of a good girl she is. Not to mention that I spilt my seed inside of her and right this second she could be carrying my child.

“Mom is table seven ready?” She nods and hands me the plate. I give it to the waitress and send her on her way. Wiping her hands, my mom turns to face me.

“So what’s her name?” She looks at me expectantly letting me know I have no choice but to answer.

“Mari.” Even saying her name makes my heart beat and hurt.

“How did you meet?”

“We worked together at the bar.” She smiles.

“So when am I going to meet her? Did you invite her to the dinner we are having next month?” My mom has an annual dinner she hosts, and it is a big deal.

“No. I would have but before I could, she disappeared.”

“Disappeared? Was she a ghost?” I shake my head and let my misery show.

“No. She moved before I had a chance to go back.”

“Oh sweetie.” She touches my face. “If it is meant to be you will find one another.” I know she is right but that doesn’t mean I don’t need to find her now.

Once I finish my shift, I go straight home and lay in the bed on my back, trying not to lose my fucking mind.

Sighing and frustrated, I get up from my desk, undress, and get in a hot shower. With one hand against the wall and my forehead bent, I play over and over the sounds of her moans and gasps while I was inside of her making her mine.


