Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

With shaking hands I open the door and everything I thought I remembered about him proves to be false. I mean don’t get me wrong, he is gorgeous and dangerous like James Dean and very much like Cole Hauser, but right now, standing in front of me in a leather jacket, black jeans and a button down shirt, he looks like a panty stealing criminal and the problem is, I will gladly hand them to him. “H-Hi.” I say lamely trying to sound mature or something. He runs his hands down his face and slowly runs his gaze up the length of my body.

My purse slips from my arm, dangling, swinging due to my lack of ability and strength right now. “Good God, little girl.” He says nothing else but moves over the threshold of the house and kicks the door closed behind him. I try to swallow but something is stuck in my throat and I suspect it is this anxious desire that has been pooling between my legs. “Is your daddy home?” he asks, moving closer to me while I am moving further from him.

“N-no.” Like the word gave him super speed, he is on me, my back against a wall and my legs up around his waist.

“That’s good princess. Real fucking good. Would hate for your rich daddy to see you getting dry fucked against his expensive, ugly ass walls by the houligan from across town. What do you think, little one. Would he enjoy watching me bring you to the brink and back again, before leaving you unfinished and wrung out for the night?” Oh my Gosh. My eyes roll to the back of my head as everything he says rolls through me and my body begins to react like it does when I have a cramp and need a shot of salt.

“I-oh.” I try to answer but before I can his mouth is on my neck, sucking and licking a part I had no idea was so damn sensitive, but right now, I can feel the moisture leaking out of me. When he adds the pressure of his teeth, and I actually whimper, eyes squeezed shut trying so hard to hold it in, but everything is touching me all at once on the inside. “Jacob.” I cry out his name when his hands squeeze my ass cheeks and he moves me up and down his hard ridge.

“I have been going out of my fucking mind waiting for you to be legal, little girl. Waiting for when I won’t be put in jail for railing this virgin pussy into kingdom come, over and over again. God why do you smell so fucking sweet?” The last part I can tell was more for him than me, but I still answer him, mind numbingly unable to do anything but respond to his every word.

“It’s my lotion.” I barely answer between gasps and keens. I have always liked this candy scented lotion ever since I was a little girl.

“You smell like an untouched princess. Like gummy bears and cotton candy.” He sniffs the side of my neck before kissing just below my ear. “Do you know what I want, princess?” I shake my head no, chasing the impending orgasms he continues to rock me against his zipper. “I want you to finish rocking this young girl pussy on my cock so I can watch the flush cover your creamy skin and lick its path before I let you out in public looking like you take it between the legs hourly.” Holy hell. That should offend me but it does the opposite. His ability to see right through me and call me sexy at the same time is all I need before I am screaming my release.

I expect the sound to vibrate off the hollow walls of this place no one would call a home, but then his mouth covers mine, claiming my first orgasms and I hear the rumble from his chest telling me he is also coming in his pants. His tongue is warm and slick like mine, but I can feel the dominance in his kiss. “Oh my god.” I say against his mouth, my eyes blurry and unfocused. Heck, I can’t catch my breath with the way he has my mouth sealed up, but something about being at his mercy is hot as hell.

“Sweet girl. You came like such a pretty princess.” he says, breathing his warm shaky breath on me. “Does it make you feel powerful knowing you made the bad boy come in his pants?” I nod my head which is buried in his neck. Chuckling, he lifts my chin with his finger and it is the first time I can take in his sweaty face and his eyes are dimmed, but they are laser focused on me and it is making me squirmy. “I can’t wait for you to do it on my actual cock. How much do you think it is going to hurt for me to fuck into your womb?”


