Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

This pregnancy has been both a joy and a pain in the ass. The joy is basically everything that comes with this pregnancy. I love the changes in my body. I have always been fit, but thin. I never liked my weight. Seeing curves and actually meat, it makes me feel sexy in my own skin. Did I mention Jake is ravenous about my new features? Well he is. I also love going to bed with my hands on my belly, whispering to our baby about the love and life we are going to give them.

Last month we had our first official ultrasound where we got to see the baby and Jake, my strong grunting man cried. I watched tears fall from eyes as his fingers ran down that black and white screen like he was memorizing every inch of it. It moved something so far inside of me that I replay that moment over and over when I have a second of doubt. I have to remind myself that he would put a bullet into his own head before he let something happen to us or let us go without.

Hiding it at home has been easier than I thought since I normally stay to myself anyway and my parents never come into my room. I spend most of my time between school and with Mari who has been here a lot trying to outrun Royce. That is a whole different type of crazy which I find cute and adorable. Mari on the other hand she disappears to my house every chance she gets. I know she needs time to learn to trust someone else, but if he's anything like Jake, it won’t stop him.

“What about this dress?” My thoughts turn back to my mom who is currently holding up the fifth dress in twenty minutes.

“It’s pretty but again why do I need something that fancy? Mom, can we just go? I don’t feel well and I have to study for a test.” Partially true. The other part of that equation is me trying to leave before she forces me to try one on.

“God where did I go wrong with you? Most girls your age would die to have their mother treat them to a day like this complete with dress buying but all you do is complain. It’s like I didn’t give birth to you at all.” She throws her hands up and huffs before putting it back on the hanger. “Fine. I am going with this one and you have to wear it tonight.” Whoa what?

“I’m not wearing that.” If that thing was any tighter it would be a second skin.

“Yes you will young lady. You have been skating on thin ice. Your father is having an important dinner tonight at the house and you will be presentable and on your best behavior.” Damn it. Whenever my father has these dinners I have to show up. It is one of the only hardlined nonnegotiable rules they have always enforced. Fuck. Now how do I get out of this damn dress?

“Fine, whatever but I am not wearing that. I am on my period and it is the first day so I am bloated.” Horror streaks her face and I know I have won this one.

“Oh God, yeah you’re right. No, we need you to look your best. Well damn, nothing here will work.” Duh. I think to myself rolling my eyes.

“No but I have that one you bought me for my seventeenth birthday that I never got to wear because I got sick. It flares at the right spot.” Yeah my belly.

“Oh goodie. Excellent. Well then let's go get you dolled up.” Oh joy. Ugh.

The next three hours are spent at a salon getting my hair, nails, feet and makeup done. I would be a liar if I didn’t admit I enjoyed that part. By the time they were done I felt like a million bucks. Now I wish I had left and went to Jake’s. My parents have gone all out and apparently it is for one man. An older gentleman who to be honest looks a little ‘sus’ and his gaze lingers a little too long on my boobs which are popping out of this damn dress.

“What a lovely home.” he says again for the third time but as with the other times he said it he is looking at me and not my parents. Choosing not to answer him, I continue to look down at my plate and move things around. All I can do is wait this out and then escape to my room.

“I think so, yes.” My father says with his chest sticking out like he has accomplished this big feat.

“How much is it worth at this moment?” The older man asks. The question is crude, even to me. I look up and see my father's face has paled as has my moms. I don’t quite know what to think of it, but it definitely doesn’t feel right.


