Pregnant by My Best Friend’s Dad Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24738 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 124(@200wpm)___ 99(@250wpm)___ 82(@300wpm)

I giggle.

“No, I hope not. Or at least the ultrasound hasn’t revealed a second baby. But there definitely is a little girl in there, so you’re getting a sister soon.”

Jamie nods with excitement, her brown curls bobbling.

“I can’t wait,” she enthuses. “This is going to be great. I’ve always wanted a sibling.”

I smile happily while leaning back on the couch because I’m in my third trimester now, and Jamie’s right – I’m huge. My tummy looks like it’s about to pop, and I’ve prepared a go-bag full of essentials for the hospital because my water’s going to break at any moment. Yet I’ve never been so happy because my life is incredibly full, and I’m grateful for every moment.

Ed and I found out I was pregnant shortly after the confrontation with Steve, and we were ecstatic. I put my college classes on hold immediately because the pregnancy nausea made it impossible for me to continue, and the registrar was understanding. She said I had two years to re-enroll, no questions asked, and I plan on going back to Coleman at some point to finish my degree.

Even better, Steve Forster is now out of our lives. Sandra initiated divorce proceedings, and because they weren’t married that long, the process is going smoothly. My mom moved into a place of her own, and she’s much happier now. Yet, Sandra still has a lot of guilt over Steve, and what he did.

“Mom, it’s okay,” I said just the other day. “It’s not your fault.”

My mother took a deep breath before looking at me.

“No, it is, Kimber. I always suspected Steve of having inappropriate feelings towards you. You heard me that day on the lawn. I knew, in my heart of hearts, that he was a pervert with his eye on my daughter.”

I squeeze her hand.

“But if you knew, why did you marry him? Why did you stay with him even after I left for college?”

Sandra looks sad, the lines around her mouth deepening.

“I suppose I’d been single for so long that I was grateful when a “normal” guy with a job seemed interested in me. I chose to turn a blind eye, and even though I could sense his attraction to you, I ignored it. It was only when I heard him that day on the lawn, that I lost it completely. Everything I’d been holding back for so long came boiling out, and I became a fierce mama bear protecting her cub.”

I squeeze her withered hand again.

“Thank you, Mom. You did, and I appreciate it. I’ve never seen you filled with such rage.”

Sandra shoots me a sideways smile.

“I know, right? And the fact is that I feel much better now. It’s a relief to have the truth out in the open, no matter how ugly it is. Our divorce is almost done too, so hopefully, we’ll never see that pervert again,” she shudders.

I pulled my mother in for a hug because everyone has regrets in life, and clearly, Sandra’s are that she didn’t protect me more. But she did the best that she could, and ended things with a bang. I don’t hate her for her choices, and fortunately, there’s no permanent damage.

Ed and I were also lucky because Jamie took the news of our relationship without batting an eye.

“No, it’s fine,” she said when I told her. “You and my dad? It’s all good.”

I cock an eyebrow at her.

“Are you sure? You’re not weirded out?”

She shrugs.

“Kimber, you were hanging out in my childhood bedroom for months. I knew you weren’t there just to play tea party with my stuffed animals. Besides, you know that I adore older men too.”

I nod, smiling.

“That’s right. There was that older guy you were seeing. Remind me about him again?”

Jamie gets a secretive look on her pretty features.

“Well, he’s hot. Really handsome, Kimber. Like straight out of the movies. Not only that, but he’s dirty.”

My eyebrows practically fly off my forehead then. Ed and I have never told Jamie about the breeding party where we ignited our relationship because it’s quite scandalous. But it sounds like my friend has some secrets of her own.

“Dirty how?” I ask in a careful voice. “What do you mean?”

Jamie smiles, a gleam in her eyes.

“Well, let’s just say that he makes sure I have cream in my coffee every morning.”

I pin her with a look.

“What does that mean?”

Jamie shrugs with a smile.

“You know, whenever I have coffee, he adds the cream. It’s a special type of cream. A type that you can’t buy at the grocery store.”

I stare at her, my jaw dropping.

“Are you for real?”

She nods, biting her lip with excitement at the memory.

“He comes in my mug every morning and lets me drink it. And girlfriend, that stuff is the elixir of youth. I love tasting his ejaculate, and the flavor practically makes me come again by itself.”


