Power House (Men of Action #2) Read Online Ahren Sanders

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Men of Action Series by Ahren Sanders

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 135955 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 680(@200wpm)___ 544(@250wpm)___ 453(@300wpm)

Major squeezes my hand a few times in support, leading us to the reception desk. “Julianna Keller, OB STAT appointment,” he announces. The woman’s eyes are wide and glued to him. She openly gapes, her interest growing when her gaze travels behind me.

“There’s drool on your chin.” Apparently, she hears my murmur, her gaze snapping at me.

Without looking at the computer or glancing at a file, she broadcasts loud enough for everyone in a mile radius to hear, “You’ll need to give a urine sample. All the supplies are in the bathroom.”

My cheeks burn, and Major directs me toward the bathrooms before I can lash back.

My three escorts fill the little hallway outside the restrooms. Major opens the door, pulling our joined hands forward, his intent clear.

“You are not coming in with me.”

“Everything, Julianna.” His words from the morning in Kentucky replay in my head.

“Everything does not include watching me pee in a cup,” I hiss. “That’s gross.”

“Not to me.”

“Major Powers, I have never peed in front of you, and I’m not starting now. Let go of my hand and give me the dignity to pee in private.”

He releases, and I get a quick peek at Talon’s disturbed expression as the door closes. Knowing they are outside the door doesn’t help my cause, but finally, I leave the sample in the little door.

The nurse calls my name as soon as I’m out.

Major hands his keys to Ford, and they exchange a look that sends a chill slithering down my spine. Then his hand goes to my lower back, steering me toward the nurse. She leads us to the lab where a vibrant technician is waiting to take my blood.

She keeps the conversation going, getting the sample and popping it into a machine as another nurse directs us to a room, giving me instructions. Once we are shut in, my anxiety skyrockets.

I’m grateful for my choice of a sundress, but it takes him holding me steady to get my panties off.

“Why do you need to remove them?”

“My guess is she may need to do an ultrasound.”

“Isn’t that on your stomach?”

“Something like that.”

I drape the sheet across my lap and wring my hands together. After what seems like forever, Dr. Vaskar enters with a wide smile. My nerves settle. She wouldn’t be smiling if my labs were bad.

“Julianna, good to see you.”

“Hi.” I wave lamely.

“Who’s this?”

“Major is my boyfriend and the baby’s father.”

His jaw ticks, but he extends a hand. “Major Powers.”

“You and your friends have my staff fluttering around like schoolgirls.” She speaks casually and may be the only woman on the planet unfazed by his looks.

“Is everything okay?” He ignores her compliment.

“As far as I can tell.”

“Then why are we here?” His question is brusque.

I realize he’s been strong for me, but there’s worry simmering under the surface.

I grab his hand.

“Well, Julianna’s constant sickness isn’t a reason for concern. However, remembering the shock of the news, I inspected her chart. Her original hCG numbers were elevated beyond our estimated date of conception. Today, I re-ran her numbers.”

“What the hell does any of that mean?” Major spouts, clearly not interested in the fluff of the conversation.

She looks at me, her expression kind. “Do either of you have a history of twins in your families?”

My world stops as the insinuation explodes in my brain.

“Twins?” The single word scalds my throat, and I fight not to pass out.

“Oh, yeah.” Major’s voice is squelched by the ringing in my ears, and when I peer up at him, he’s beaming bright. I swear there are rays of sunshine and rainbows with pots of gold bursting in animation over his head. “My brothers are twins.”

“Well, great, that may explain these high hCG levels. Let’s do a check, shall we? Lay back.”

She flits around, rolling the ultrasound machine close to the bed and prepping the wand.

“What the hell?” His joy turns to confusion when she slides it under the sheet.

“This is an internal ultrasound.”

“Internal? As in her—”

“Vagina,” she finishes for him.

I don’t flinch as she gently glides the wand inside and maneuvers it in different directions until an image fills the little screen. With her free hand, she clicks on the keyboard and magnifies the image.

“Yes, there they are.” She points to the tiny dots. “Two heartbeats, two babies.”

That solidifies it. I officially see black spots and my chest grows heavy.

Major tips my chin his way, leaning to my direct line of sight. “Breathe, baby.”

I do as he says, feeling her remove the device.

“Two,” I whisper, the shock settling in.

He kisses my lips tenderly. “I love you, Jewls.”

“So, your prenatal care doesn’t change. But pay attention to your body. Rest, eat, sleep, moderate exercise, lots of liquid… you get the point. Your delivery plan may change, but we’ll discuss that closer in the third trimester.” Dr. Vaskar hands me a long sheet of pictures. “We will reschedule your next appointment for a few weeks out. Congratulations to you both.”


