Posing for Their Pleasure – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 86074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

“Um, okay. Thank you,” Lili called back. She tried to get off the round velvet platform, (which was a lot worse for the wear now) staggered, and almost fell.

“Whoa, Lilibet!” Light caught her. “Be careful! Are you still light-headed?”

“Just…trying to recover.” Lili put a hand to her head. “I’ve never had sex like that before—I mean, so…so intense. And I feel really tender here.” She gestured to the area between her legs.

Dark said nothing but the look on his face told her he was feeling bad. Lili’s heart went out to him.

“Dark, I can tell you’re having some negative emotions,” she said gently. “Do you want to talk about them?”

He shook his head.

“No. Not much to say except I’m so fucking sorry I hurt you, Lili.”

“You didn’t hurt me—you just…overwhelmed me,” Lili protested. “I’d just…never had anything that big inside me before.”

“I was too rough,” Dark growled as the three of them sat on the edge of the platform and started trying to sort out their transparent clothes. “If Light and I could Join our shafts like normal Twin Kindred, I could be gentle.”

“How?” Lili asked, frowning.

“I could help him control the Berserker urges,” Light said. He sighed. “But it’s never going to happen, Brother. We have to live as we always have—with a distance between us.”

Lili didn’t know what to say to that. She felt bad for her guys—she had begun to think of them as hers, anyway—but there didn’t seem to be a solution for their dilemma.

They finished getting dressed in silence—it wasn’t easy considering all their clothing was see-through now. Lili was fairly certain she was wearing her dress inside-out and her panties were completely gone. Either they had turned fully transparent now and were basically invisible or they had gotten kicked away and were out of sight.

Either way, it didn’t matter. If she had put them on, they would have been immediately soaked. Light and Dark had filled her with so much cum that it was still dripping out of her. Lili felt really bad for whoever had to clean up the mess they had left on the white velvet platform—it had wet spots all over it.

Just as she was finally able to stand without falling over, f’loon and es’plendio came back into the room. Lili couldn’t tell for sure, but it seemed like f’loon was pleased.

“Thank you,” they said, nodding at Lili respectfully. “That was truly one of the best performances we have ever captured on holo. It was clear to us that you gave your all.”

“Oh, uh, we did our best.” Lili gave a shaky laugh. To be honest, she was still feeling slightly wobbly—and more than slightly sticky. What she really wanted was to get back to the long-range shuttle and take a shower to clean up.

“We hope you feel the payment was enough,” Light said stiffly. He was standing by Lili with an arm around her—presumably in case she felt like fainting again. Dark, however, was keeping his distance.

“It was more than enough,” f’loon assured him. “Though we did notice something we thought was strange—both of you coupled with Lilibet separately but the three of you never came together as one. Is that the way of your people?”

“Actually, the way of our people is for the males to Join together to couple with the female,” Light explained. “However, due to slight but significant genetic differences, my brother and I are unable to do so.”

“How very sad.” f’loon’s tentacles drooped in sympathy. “Do you not have the use of a harmonizer?”

“A what?” Light asked, frowning.

“A harmonizer. It was developed by my people, the bas’lat, many millennia ago. It allows two disparate species to mate—which is how we bas’lat became bonded to es’plendio’s people, the Gorbs.”

“What?” Lili frowned. “But…I thought you were just different sexes of the same species—the Chulaz.”

“Together the bas’lats and the Gorbs form the Chulaz,” f’loon explained. “But we are two different species. It just so happens that all Gorbs are males and all bas’lats are…well, you have no concept for it in your language, I do not think. We are trisexual beings who need both a male and a female to procreate with. But we would not be able to procreate at all without our harmonizers.”

“These harmonizers you use—do you think they would work for another species? I mean, could we get one to try?” Light asked, sounding eager. “If we could use one to get my brother and myself genetically aligned, we might be able to Bond fully with a female.”

He cast a look at Lili who looked at Dark. But the Dark Twin seemed to be looking elsewhere—not paying attention to the conversation.

It didn’t matter though, because f’loon was already shaking their head.

“Alas, the harmonizers are tuned specifically to bas’lat DNA. I do not think they would be compatible with mammalian genetics.”


