Posing for Their Pleasure – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 86074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

“He…he said it was too messy.” Lili tried to straighten up. She wanted nothing more than to just melt against Light and maybe take a little nap. But f’loon was waiting for them.

“Are you better now?” Light asked her. “No more irritation?”

“I don’t think so…” Lili shifted around experimentally. “No, I think I’m fine now. Thank you.” Impulsively, she turned her face up to Light and gave him a soft kiss on the mouth. Then she leaned down and did the same for Dark.

“Mmmm…” A hungry growl rumbled in the Dark Twin’s throat and he kissed her back eagerly.

Lili moaned when she tasted her own secret flavor on his lips. She was tempted to start things all over again…but again she reminded herself that f’loon was waiting for them.

Reluctantly, she pulled away from the Dark Twin.

“All right, boys—that’s enough,” she told them. “We have to get going—the Golden Tower is huge and I want to see as much of the art it holds as possible.”

“If you’re sure you’re all right,” Light said, as he helped her to her feet.

“Fine,” Lili assured him. “Actually, I’m feeling extremely satisfied if you know what I mean. Er…I’m sorry if you guys aren’t though,” she added. Because a glance at their see-through trousers showed that both of their cocks were hard.

“It’s fine,” Dark said shortly.

“Don’t worry about us,” Light told her. “We can deal with things later.”

“Yeah—later,” Dark growled. He frowned. “I suppose I could turn up my emotion damper so I wasn’t so fucking uncomfortable…but then I’d miss seeing your happiness when you look at all the art.”

Lili was touched.

“I wish I had time to help you both out,” she murmured. “Maybe after our tour I can return the favor.”

“That’s something to look forward to,” Dark remarked, his purple eyes going half-lidded.

“Definitely,” Light agreed, his silver eyes blazing. “But for now, we’d better start our tour.”

“Yes, we should. We’ve kept f’loon waiting long enough,” Lili agreed. With some difficulty, she wrapped her see-through dress back around herself and tied it with the invisible sash.

Later she would deal with everything they had done together, she told herself. But for now, she was ready to take the tour of her life.



“Are you finished dealing with the sensu-blooms?” f’loon inquired as the three of them came out the door.

“Yes, thank you.” Lili nodded with as much dignity as she could. It was hard to forget that the famous art collector had seen her being fucked by a flower, but there was nothing to do but move on.

“I trust that your womb is well lubricated,” f’loon remarked obliquely.

“Oh, well…I think that’s safe to say,” Lili said, shifting uncomfortably.

“Good, good.” f’loon nodded their bulbous head. “And do you wish to have the modesty patches now? To cover your female parts?”

“No, thank you,” Lili said. She had definitely decided that she’d rather go bare than put anything else of an alien origin anywhere near her lady bits. She would just have to go around looking naked. After all, Dark and Light were and they weren’t bothered—even though both of them had extremely large erections pressing against the inside of their trousers.

“Very well, then we begin our tour—we have only a single day and there is much to cover. But first, allow me to introduce my male spouse, es’plendio.” f’loon nodded at a tall, stick-insect looking Chulaz who looked very like the guards that had brought them into the tower in the first place.

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Lili said, nodding politely.

She couldn’t help wondering at how very dissimilar the two aliens were. She knew that es’plendio was a male Chulaz and f’loon was bas’lat Chulaz but really, they didn’t even seem to be the same species. How in the world did they match up sexually? And what did a female Chulaz look like? Considering how rare they were, she doubted she’d get a chance to find out.

“Come—we will begin our tour at the top of the tower and make our way back to the bottom,” f’loon told her. Then they glided silently to the foot of the vast, round staircase at the far end of the rotunda and began to climb with their spouse, es’plendio at their side.

“All the way to the top, huh? Looks like we’re going to spend most of the day climbing,” Dark muttered as he and Light followed Lili up the spiral staircase.

Lili hoped he was wrong. They had already wasted enough time with the damn sensu-blooms. (Though when she considered the hot way the big Kindred had tasted her afterwards, she couldn’t really consider the time wasted.) But still, there was so much to see and f’loon had only agreed to have her for a single day! She could spend a lifetime here studying the art from so many planets and cultures and now they had to spend half that time climbing stairs!


