Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

I keep my makeup light, applying some blush, mascara, and a nude eye shadow. I go back and forth on whether or not to put on a lipstick. It feels a little wanton of me to be doing so much for a church service, but then again, in for a penny, in for a pound.

In the end, I just go with some tinted Chapstick. It’s nice to have some color on my lips, but there’s no need to go so far out of my comfort zone.

Looking in the mirror, I feel pretty good about this look I’ve put together today. My hair’s styled in a way that suits my curls, and my dress makes the most of my figure. I’m ready to go.

I tiptoe out of my room and into the shared common room, grabbing a breakfast bar for the subway. I’m much too nervous to eat much of anything, but I don’t want my stomach rumbling once I get there because that would be embarrassing.

Typically, I attend service with Jessie, but I told her I had some errands to run today. She offered to go with me, but when I told her how early I’d be leaving, she quickly backed off. Clearly, my friend’s not an early bird in the slightest. If she has to, she’ll wake up before eight, but it has to be a nuclear disaster for that to happen.

As a result, she and I are meeting at church instead. At least, once we’re in the pews, I’ll be calm and collected, and maybe I’ll be ready to tell her my story then. After all, I know I’m going to let Jessie in on my secret at some point. It’s just about picking the right time to talk to her.

I take the subway to the church. The ride over isn’t a long one, but today, the time between stops feels extra long this fine Sunday morning. Could it be that I’m getting anxious?

I was fairly calm in my dorm room while I was getting ready, but every time I hear the speakers announce, “Watch for the closing doors,” I know this train is that much closer to the stop. Meaning I am that much closer to this meeting.

Thankfully, since it’s so early, the subway isn’t too crowded, and I have more than enough space to breathe.

I close my eyes and wait.

Suddenly, my station is called over the intercom. My eyes pop open, and I scramble out of my seat before hopping off the train. People mill about like nothing’s wrong, and I take a deep breath. Right. Everything’s going to be fine.

I walk the couple of blocks necessary to get to the Village Church and find myself standing outside, looking up at the building. It’s a gorgeous sunny morning, and everything looks the same as always. Yet, I know Pastors Jordan and Jason are waiting in there for me to arrive, and my heart thumps as my pulse races. This is really happening.

I start to pace back and forth, wondering if I’m doing the right thing. Am I out of my mind? It’s a very real possibility after all. This is New York City, and the Mira who lives in NYC is doing things Louisville Mira never even dreamed of.

It’s like I’m another whole person.

I need to calm down. Stop being so in my own head. Pastor Jason invited me here, and his email was very polite. Everything is going to be okay. He probably just wants to talk about my church membership or something of that sort.

I take a deep breath because I can do this. It’s just a quick meeting and nothing else. There’s no reason for me to be nervous. Sure, I got super dressed up, but it’s all in my head.

Just relax, Mira. Everything is going to be okay.

I go inside and stroll nonchalantly to the back. We’re having the meeting in Pastor Jason’s office. This will be my first time in his office, and I wonder if it’s anything like Pastor Jordan’s. Probably not, seeing that they have distinct personalities and styles.

Whatever the case, I stand outside and take a deep breath. But my arm feels like lead. I will myself to knock, but I can’t bring myself to lift up my arm.

Maybe I tried too hard to look attractive. Even though I suspect that this meeting has something to do with what happened with Pastor Jordan, that doesn’t mean he wants it to happen again. Most likely, he wants me to sign some damage waiver or something. Especially because Pastor Jason is going to be there too. Panic begins to set in.

But I’m already here, and I don’t want to stand them up because that would be rude. Hesitantly, I knock on the door.

“Come in,” a deep voice commands. I turn the knob, pushing the wooden slab forward. The two pastors are in there, waiting for me. Oh God, they are so handsome. They’re both tall and athletic, with black hair and piercing blue eyes. They have strong jaws and wide chests, and both of them have somber looks on their faces.


