Piece by Piece (Riggins Brothers #2) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Insta-Love, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Riggins Brothers Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 80634 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 323(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

“My sweet girl.” I hear Lena say the words as her arms wrap tightly around me. It’s not long after that I feel the second set of arms, and I know without opening my eyes that they belong to Sawyer. “I’m sorry for what you’ve been through,” Lena whispers. For a few brief seconds, I allow myself to imagine that these two amazing women were permanent parts of my life.

“I’m sorry,” I say, pulling away from them. “You’re all being so nice to me, and I didn’t want to dump the sordid details of my life on your lap, but it’s better to get this over with now.”

“Get what over with?” Lena tilts her head to the side, confusion marring her features.

“I’m not good enough for him. I want to be. More than anything, I want to be, but the fact remains that I’m not. I couldn’t stand losing all of you after getting attached, and I’m already attached to him. I just— I thought it was best to get it out there.”

“Layla, sweetheart.” Lena takes slow steps until she’s standing in front of me again. “You are not your mother, and you are not your past. You decide your future.” She gives me a soft smile. “All that I’ve ever wanted was for each of my boys to find a good woman to love. A woman who will love and respect them, enjoy life with them. That’s all that matters. You do that for my Owen. He’s vibrant, and it’s all because of you.”

“She’s right,” Sawyer adds before I can think to disagree with them. “Owen has always been quiet and just kind of stands on the sidelines. Earlier, he was ribbing his brothers and smiling. Not that he didn’t do those things before, but he was more content to sit back and watch the shenanigans, not take part in them. You’ve brought him to life.” Sawyer smiles softly. “Now, I know a thing or two about loving a Riggins man, not as much as this one.” She points at Lena. “But we’ve got your back.”

“He’s going to mess up, that’s what they do. He’s going to drive you crazy at times, but I can promise you he will love you through it all. Every moment that love will burn bright.”

“We’ve not known each other long,” I remind them.

Lena shrugs. “Love doesn’t know time, Layla. I know what I see, and trust me, I know my boys. Just take it day by day and embrace it. Embrace him. You love him right and that’s all I can ask of you. You love him, and you will always have a place in our home.”

I can’t control the tears as they race down my cheeks. “Th-Thank you. I’m sorry.” I smile through my tears. “I’m a mess.”

“You’re human,” Lena says, stepping back toward the stove.

“What are you, ladies….” Owen’s voice trails off when he sees me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head, wiping at my eyes, trying to hide the tears that I know he’s already seen.

“Lay,” he says, his tone telling me he’s not going to give up until he finds out.

“Girl talk,” Lena chimes in. “Leave her be. All women deserve a good cry every now and then.”

“That.” Sawyer points at Lena. “What she said.”

“Baby?” Owen bends his knees to bring himself eye to eye with me. “You okay?”

“More than okay.” I smile, and it’s genuine. I’m not just saying that I’m fine to placate him. Lena and Sawyer eased my fears, and I’m not going to fight this, fight him, or the connection we have. I may end up with a broken heart in the end, but I’d rather know that I tried than to always ask myself what if.

He exhales, stands to his full height, and pulls me into his chest. I feel his lips press against my temple, and I know this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

“We’re starving out here,” one of his brothers, I think Conrad, says, joining us in the kitchen. He spots Owen and me and grins. “Layla, if I would have known you needed me, I would have been here.” He moves toward us, but Owen is faster, pushing me behind him.

“Get your own woman.” Owen laughs.

Conrad chuckles. “Ma, what can I carry?”

“Grab that basket of rolls and stop pestering your brother,” Lena says, not bothering to look up from where she’s pouring gravy into a dish.

“Yeah, Conrad. Stop pestering me,” Owen taunts.

“Owen Riggins, you hush. You three go ahead and make your plates.” She turns to face us and sets the gravy on the island.

“I knew I was your favorite.” Owen laughs.

“Don’t tell your brothers.” Lena winks, causing Sawyer and me to throw our heads back in laughter.

* * *

Hours later, Owen and I are lying in his bed. The room is dark, and the only sounds are our deep, even breaths as we start to fall asleep. “Owen?” I whisper.


