Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

Ian took me in his arms. “It worries me how fearless you are.”

“Worry not,” I said. “I have countless heroes to save me, a Highlander, a Viking, and now a biker and soon… a gunslinger.”

He kissed me. “Promise me⁠—”

I tapped his chest. “I know, I know. Promise you I’ll be careful and not do anything reckless.”

Ian chuckled. “You say that like you actually intend to listen.”

“I have no daring feats planned,” I said jokingly.

“That, mo ghràdh, is when you get into the most trouble.”


“I’m sorry, Pepper, things just aren’t going right today.” Kelly sighed, rubbing her very pregnant stomach. “I thought I’d have the truck and some helpers to pick up the items I bought at auction, but Danny needed the truck for some unexpected huge purchase. I couldn’t exactly tell him too bad, I need it.”

“It’s alright, Kelly, no problem at all,” I assured her. “I had to pick up a few things for the Willow Lake Historical Society anyway, so grabbing your few purchases is no big deal.”

Kelly winced slightly, shifting her weight.

“Are you feeling okay?” I asked, my worry spiking. The last thing I needed was for her to go into labor while I was driving. I had absolutely zero experience delivering a baby, and I had no desire to change that today.

“The baby’s just so active. I swear, it’s like he’s doing somersaults in there.”

The thought made me momentarily reconsider whether I really wanted kids. Ian and I had talked about it, and early on, he’d mentioned wanting a few. At the time, I’d thought the same. But growing up with three older brothers had been an experience, to say the least. Terrifying at times, with them pulling every possible prank they could think of on me, but also comforting—because whenever I needed them, they had my back. Annoying as they were, I loved them.

Still, watching Kelly go through this, I might need to reconsider.

“We’ll drop off the historical society’s stuff at the Willow Mansion first,” I said, pulling myself back to the task at hand. “Then I’ll take you to the garden center with the things you bought for there, and my last stop will be your house. I’ll put everything in the garage so Danny can help you move it wherever you want.”

Kelly gave me a grateful smile. “You’re the best, Pepper. You’re going to make a great aunt.”

“You don’t have to butter me up. Ian and I are already looking forward to babysitting,” I said. “Though I doubt we’ll get much of a chance. Mom’s going to hog all the time with her first grandchild.”

“She won’t have that much time if she becomes mayor,” Kelly pointed out.

I laughed. “Wanna bet?”

Kelly chuckled, shaking her head. “You’re right. Your mom is exceptional at multitasking.”

Mo barked from the backseat, as if agreeing.

Kelly smiled. “I’m so glad you brought Mo with you. I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Mom’s gotten him so used to going places that he doesn’t want to stay home anymore. He stations himself by the door in the morning with his vest in his mouth, waiting to see who he’s going with—me or Ian.”

Kelly raised a brow. “And how does he decide?”

I smirked. “Bacon.”

She laughed. “Bacon?”

Mo barked again at the familiar word.

“He can smell bacon from miles away,” I explained. “And he knows when Ian’s chef is cooking up a bunch of it. That’s when he ditches me and goes with Ian.”

Kelly shook her head, still laughing. “He’s so smart—and such a lovey. I can’t wait for him to meet—” She stopped herself and let out a frustrated sigh. “Your brother and I still can’t agree on a name. He wants Parker⁠—”

“After Granddad,” I said, nodding. “Danny was really close with him.”

Kelly sighed. “Yep. And I want Brock, after my great-grandfather. He was such a kind, loving soul, but I only have a few memories of him.”

“Name him Michael,” I said.

Kelly frowned. “Who’s Michael?”

“Nobody. That’s the point. He’d have his own name.”

Kelly laughed. “Honestly? That might not be a bad idea.”

Arriving at Willow Mansion, I pulled up to the front entrance, relieved that the mansion was closed today. That meant no visitors—just Edna, who was already waiting outside, the double front doors wide open.

“I need to get out and stretch,” Kelly said, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

Mo barked in agreement.

“Wait until I get around to help you,” I said, quickly jumping out and hurrying to her side. After helping her down, I opened the door for Mo, who immediately sniffed around, taking in his surroundings.

The moment Edna’s eyes landed on Mo, she frowned. “You do know Mo can’t come inside the mansion, right, Pepper?”

“He’ll be perfectly happy moseying around out here,” I assured her.

Kelly wandered inside with Edna, and I started unloading the pieces. None of them were too heavy, though the French walnut armchair gave me more of a struggle than I’d care to admit.


