Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Gather their IDs, Josh, and run them,” my dad called out.

Josh gagged as he collected IDs. “What the hell happened to you guys?”

“That skinny broad skunked us,” one guy said, pointing to Pepper.

“When I am done here, Pepper,” Josh shouted, “I’m going to come give you a big hug.”

“If you do that, I won’t tell you how to get the skunk smell off you,” I called out.

“How?” the three skunk-smelling men shouted.

My dad shook his head and turned to me. “Unless one of them is carrying a butterfly knife or a paratrooper knife, I can’t hold them unless something comes back on the background check. They can carry knives and you both can protect yourself proportionally. So, it’s a wash. Though I do want to know if they intend to remain in Willow Lake and for how long.”

It didn’t take long to run the names and find out there were no warrants out for any of the bikers. A few had been arrested and fined for misdemeanors but nothing major.

With a snap of my dad’s hand, he waved Stone forward. “Mr. Stone, I’d like a word with you.” He held up his hand to stop him when he got close enough to hear without shouting. “Passing through or are you planning on staying in Willow Lake for a while?”

“Haven’t decided yet,” Stone said, his glance settling on me.

“We have a quiet town here, Mr. Stone. See to your business and be on your way,” my dad said.

“We’ll mind our business, Sheriff, and cause no trouble unless given a reason to,” Stone said, and sent me a smile that would melt most women.

“Then let me give you a good reason to mind your business when it comes to that woman you keep looking at, the one who skunked you. She’s my daughter and you’ll be wise to stay away from her.”

Stone grinned. “No wonder she can take care of herself. And just so you know, Sheriff, we had no intentions of hurting anyone.”

Mo disagreed, growling at him.

“Easy, buddy, I’m not going to hurt you or your owner,” Stone said in a way of an apology. “Now, gorgeous, how about telling me how to get rid of this disgusting sink?”

“Google it,” my dad said. “Now gather your knives and be on your way.”

“Stone nodded. “I will be returning to the cemetery to visit my relative’s grave.

“The name?” my dad asked.

Stone’s smile turned smug as he pointed to the top of the mausoleum where the name had been carved. “Willow.”

“How do we take his word for it?” I asked Amy as I parked the truck in front of Yesterday’s Treasures. Amy and I discussed the situation on the short ride here and the question haunted me. “That Stone fellow could have spotted the name Willow on the mausoleum and used it to his advantage. When his real reason for being there might have something to do with the motorcycle boot wearing guy that Ian and I found. And you said yourself that you thought it was strange that he just happened to show up the day after the body vanished.”

“Good points all of them,” Amy agreed. “But he’s not exactly someone you should be talking to. MCs are not known for their kindness or their good looks for that matter.”

“Then why do you read MC romances?”

“The thrill of a pure fantasy,” Amy said with a dramatic sigh.

“I bet you’re living that fantasy now with Beau tattooed up for the biker photo shoot Ian’s been commissioned to do.”

Amy pressed her hand to her heart as she and I, along with Mo, walked up the steps to the shop located in an old Victorian-style house. “Be still my heart. Beau has brought my fantasy to life, wearing the MC outfit when he visits me after a photo shoot.”

“Visits?” I laughed. “He spends more time at your house than the lodge.”

I was glad Amy was enjoying her relationship with Beau. She had carried an unrequited and unspoken love for my middle brother Thomas since she was young. I was glad she was finally allowing herself to look past it and see it was nothing more than a bit of hero worship for being a good friend when she needed one. And Beau was helping her do just that.

Mo parked himself on the porch to enjoy the spring day and no doubt to receive adulations from friends and strangers alike before they ventured into the shop.

“Behave,” I warned him, opening the door to the shop.

Kate welcomed us with a smile, her long reddish blonde hair falling loose from whatever antique combs she had used to secure the stubborn strands that fell and framed her attractive face perfectly.

“So glad to see you both. Amy, I scooped up a box of romance novels from a garage sale the other day if you’d like to go through them. I haven’t had a chance to open the box yet, so I have no idea what books it contains.”


