Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Who besides those who hold key sets would know about that?”

“Let me think…” A moment of silence followed. “The only person besides the board members who would know would be Professor Anderson. He found out about it while writing the book. He saw the different colored key chains and asked about them. He thought it was a smart idea. Is that it, Pepper, I really must go.”

“One more thing, Mom, do members keep personal keys on the chain as well?”

“They are not supposed to, but I think some members do.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Toodles,” she said before ending the call.

“Well, I guess we have our answer as to why your mom was targeted,” Ian said. “Waters must have had a key that someone was looking for.”

“A key that unlocked treasure or information.”

The auction was packed. Amy and Beau sat with us and Kate and Kelly sat behind us. Professor Anderson was in attendance but so far hadn’t bid on anything and Professor Swatcher lurked in the back. How Stone got in, I’ll never know but then if he was an informant he could be there to make contact with the culprit. I did catch him saying a few words to Professor Swatcher, but it appeared just in passing. All the likely suspects were gathered in one place, but I had a feeling I was missing something.

“A good many of the suspects in one place,” Ian whispered, thinking like me, then shook his head. “Something is troubling you. I can see it.”

“I’m not sure. The pieces are there but they don’t quite fit. Something is missing but I can’t figure out what it is.”

The auction began and each of us won a few of our bids and lost a few. I got the items I wanted, though there were a few more that I intended to bid on, but I wouldn’t be disappointed if I lost. Ian was still waiting for the spyglass to be offered. Kate was racking up items for her shop and Kelly had gotten a few things. Amy and Beau won a few of their bids. Some people left, not bothering to stick around after they lost their bid on desired items.

Professor Anderson and Swatcher hadn’t bid on anything yet and I didn’t see Stone again. But I did see someone I wanted to speak to… my dad.

Ian nodded when I told him I’d be back in a few, concentrating solely on the spyglass, the next item up for bid.

My dad spotted me heading his way and made his way slowly outside. He intended for us to talk privately.

I kept my eyes peeled for lurking skateboards as I made my way to him.

“Bidding on some items, are you?” my dad asked when I reached him.

“I snagged a few,” I said, then got right to the point. “What’s going on, Dad? You never questioned me about the incident at the hospital and you have avoided me ever since.”

“Don’t forget the incident here yesterday.”

I wondered which incident he was referring to. My collision with the dessert table or meeting the man from the hospital.

“I have shared a lot about police work with you, Pepper, when possible. Sometimes it’s just not possible to tell you everything. Sometimes you need to trust me.” He smiled. “You always figure it out on your own in the end anyway, and most often before I do.”

Something made me ask, “Are you counting on that this time?”

“Let’s just say I have confidence in you, but,” —and it was a firm but— “You need to be extra careful, Pepper.”

Again, my dad was telling me something without telling me and confirming my suspicions. He always cautioned his men to be extra careful when a case went beyond the scope of the local law enforcement. He wasn’t at liberty to tell me, but he needed me to know there was a degree of danger to the situation.

“I’m always careful, Dad,” I said, and his raised brow told me he didn’t agree with me. “But I will be sure to be extra cautious. It helps that I believe I know the different players in this game, though there is something that’s missing and it nags at me.”

“My money is on you, Pepper.”

I wondered if he meant that figuratively or literally, recalling what he had said to Josh about it being a sucker’s bet. I asked a more pressing question which I knew he’d answered if he could. “Have you discovered the identity of the fellow left to die at the Mercantile? Or for that matter, what about the vanishing guy that Stone wants gone?”

“The dead guy is a multiple-time crook, real name Augustus Jones, who served several jail terms and once rode with a motorcycle club and was booted out. He was a lone wolf who hired out to anyone who’d pay him. I have no idea who hired him, but I can say with certainty that he was the man who stole your mom’s purse since he didn’t treat the dog bite as he should have, and Mo’s saliva was found in it. I’m also sure he’s the one who hit your mom on the head.”


