Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Sir Crumpston will be pleased to be added to the private preview list.”

“If Sir Crumpston passes a background check, there will be an admission ticket waiting for you when you arrive, otherwise entrance will be denied,” Winifred warned. “A sizeable crowd is expected. The items will then be auctioned the next day.”

“I will be there tomorrow to represent Sir Crumpston. Good day.” I hung up and smiled.

“Gold doubloons? How did you know Waters had gold doubloons?”

“I didn’t. I took a chance since it seems that the articles I’ve read lately on treasure hunting always mention gold doubloons. The preview is tomorrow from one to four and Winifred says a sizeable crowd is expected. We should get there early and with as much historical society identification as we can produce since she warned that if Sir Crumpston doesn’t pass muster entrance would be denied.”

“There may be something that could help conquer or at least soften the impenetrable Winifred,” Amy said with a plotting glint in her eyes.

“Do tell,” I said with an air of elegance.

“If my eyes were closed, I would swear your aunt was speaking.”

“If only I fit her elegance as well as she did,” I said.

Amy chuckled. “You do, when you want to.”

“Tell me what can help conquer Winifred.”

“Not what, who.”

There wasn’t a woman or a man who didn’t glance at Ian and Beau as we made our way through the crowd of people waiting for the Waters’ preview to open, though it was more so Ian who caught the eye. He walked and held himself as I could only imagine a noble would. I wondered if they taught noble bearing at prestige schools or if it automatically came with the title. Ian, Beau as well, wore suits and ties that had to have been tailored made for them since they showcased their fit bodies.

I was grateful Amy convinced me to take extra care with my appearance and wear a dress. She went through my closet and chose a sage green dress that hugged my waist and flowed around my hips. I don’t believe I ever wore it, and it was probably Amy who forced me to buy it. I was surprised how good it looked on me. Amy made me look even better with a touch of gold earrings, light purple heels, and a short-waisted, deeper purple jacket. I didn’t care much about impressing others, but I admit, I liked the way Ian’s eyes widened with surprise and pleasure when he caught sight of me.

The preview didn’t open for another thirty minutes but Ian didn’t wait. He guided me through the crowd with his hand to the small of my back. That sounded like a passage from a romance novel. It’s all Amy’s fault that I have myself living scenes in romance novels. Okay, so I admit his faint touch did tingle my insides a bit. I shook my head at my foolish thoughts.

“Something wrong, Pep?” Ian asked.

“I’m no heroine,” I said.

He smiled and winked at me. “In my eyes you are the strongest of heroines.”

“You are such a romantic.”

“You make it easy.”

I chuckled. “I doubt that very much.”

We reached the steps where a large man stood guard, stopping anyone from going past him.

“Good morning,” Ian said with a firm expression at the man. “We represent the Willow Lake Historical Society and we’re here to retrieve documents that Mr. Waters absconded with from the historical society. We have documentation to prove who we are as Ms. Dickens requested.”

“One moment,” he said and another man standing by the door switched places with him while he entered the house.

It was a far larger house than I expected to see since Waters lived alone having divorced his wife over twenty years ago. She returned home to her native England and remarried. They had no children and Waters remained single, insisting he preferred it that way, at least that was what Edna had shared with Amy. Though from what Amy found, she believed Waters was a self-centered man who cared only for himself and his hobbies, collecting and treasure hunting.

The man who had been standing guard reappeared and gave a nod to the fellow at the bottom of the stairs. He moved aside and Ian and I proceeded up the stairs, Amy and Beau following behind us and the man hurrying to block people from following.

Winifred Dickens was nothing like I imagined her. Though short and thin, she wore a pantsuit that shouted all business with a stark white blouse beneath buttoned all the way to the neck where a broach sat clasped. Her raging red, untamable curly hair appeared in sharp contrast to her business attire, and she wore what looked like a perpetual frown which probably was the reason for the wrinkles on her face.

That frown suddenly changed when she caught sight of Ian. She could not hide her shock, and her cheeks flamed red almost matching her hair color.


